Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,519.  Mass attendance was 657.




Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

6.00pm  Thanksgiving for Leola Lobo 90th Birthday


9.15am Mair and Peter Heffer RIP (G. Whitley)

11.00am  People of the Parish





The Dedication of the Cathedral Church of St George

9.30am Carmel Lannon RIP (M Thompson)




9.30 Sheila Simon RIP (Owen Family)



The Dedication of The Lateran Basilica

9.30 Christine Hunt RIP (H Wood)


10.45 – 11.45am  Eucharist Adoration




St Leo the Great

09.30 Anthony Olivelle RIP (M.  Olivelle)



St Martin of Tours

9.30 Thomas Mooney RIP (K. Mooney)




Vigil Mass

6.00pm Mary Ghearon RIP Give to Give (M. McArthur)




Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Remembrance Sunday


9.15am  People of the Parish


11.00am People of Syria and all affected by war and violence (J&P Group)


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

Eucharist Adoration

Every Wednesday after 9.30am Mass

Eucharist Adoration will take place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist after Mass will be a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month – 4th November

In addition, Eucharist Adoration will take place on 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and will conclude with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 8th November 5.00–7.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments necessary.

Second Collection:

This weekend, there will be a collection for the Maintenance Fund.  The following weekend there will be a second collection for the Archbishop’s Administration Fund.

Fr David Writes…

We have all been touched by grief and loss.  Once we allow ourselves to love and enter into significant relationships, we immediately embark on the journey of risking in experiencing loss.  Some people after going through the traumatic pain of bereavement, protect themselves by not allowing themselves to get too close to other people.  In doing so they miss out on the beauty of opening themselves once again to the beauty and enrichment of significant and intimate relationships.  Being fully alive entails the ability to risk in loving.  It’s allowing others to touch you in your deepest core.  It’s sharing life with people you feel safe with.  It’s allowing yourself to touch others by loving them.  Living a life surrounded constantly by safeguarding oneself in order not to get hurt is not worth living.  Living such a life is a recipe for a lonely and miserable existence.  However, I can understand that the price of loss is enormous.  With experiencing loss the price is a loss of innocence.  It’s like being banished from the Garden of Eden and being condemned to learn to adjust to another way of being, away from the security of the garden.

Death opens us up to the reality of mortality.  That nothing remains the same.  That life is in flux.  It also awakens in us the realisation that we are not in control.  That we are mortal too, subjected to death.  This realisation creates in us a sense of vulnerability and for some of us it opens us up to feelings of anxiety and sometimes also of depression.  Through the ages, religions tried to come to terms with the reality of death by providing us with some answers in regards the afterlife.  We know that in Hinduism, the ones who follow this path, believe in reincarnation.  Everything in life according to them is cyclical.  As a culture, they perceive reality as Cycle.  Very different from the polarised mind of western civilisation influenced by the Greek philosophical mentality.

In the course of his public ministry, Jesus faces a variety of groups and individuals critical of his beliefs and values.  In today’s Gospel, Jesus is approached by some Sadducees who question him about the resurrection.  The Sadducees were a select party, drawing their members mainly from the well-to-do class, the higher officials, wealthy merchants, landowners and priests.  Politically, at the time of Jesus, they accepted Roman rule and customs in exchange for retaining their power and influence over the Temple and the Supreme Council.  The worldly influence of the Sadducees led them to be religiously conservative.  Unlike the Pharisees, they accepted as scripture only the written Law of Moses and rejected the authority of oral tradition.  As wealthy aristocrats, they did not look to a liberating Messiah either; neither did they believe in the resurrection of the dead.  Instead of the resurrection from the dead, the Sadducees believed that all people, good or bad, went to the shadowy world of Sheol after their death.  That convenient belief left them to enjoy the present, without any worry about the afterlife.  In today’s Gospel, they attempt to ridicule the resurrection of the dead by recalling the Mosaic Law on levirate marriage.  In his reply, Jesus makes it clear that there is no comparison between human life, shared by all and the resurrection, shared by those who are children of God.  Jesus makes the distinction between two ages and two peoples.  The people of this age, who live a life peculiar to this time, and the just, who are resurrected from the dead into a new age.  Through his argument, Jesus reveals something of his own image of God – a God who keeps his promise to his faithful ones even when they die.  The particular faith that we follow gives us a way of seeing death and the afterlife.

As Christians, we do follow what Jesus proposed to us – this somehow gives meaning to how we perceive our existence as human beings.  The temptation is for some of us to spiritualise the whole experience.  Grace works on nature.  We need to go through the not knowing, we need to experience the extent of the pain of loss – to experience the good days of grief and the bad ones too, to allow ourselves ask the right questions.  At the same time to be open to the reality of a God who accompanies and carries us in our moments of despair.  During this month of November, let us remember our loved ones who are no longer with us.  Let us in a special way think of our sisters and brothers in our parish who are grieving at the moment.  Let us be gentle and supportive of them at this very vulnerable time in their lives.  Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them, may they rest in peace.

November – Remembering our Loved Ones

Names of Deceased on the Altar during November

In addition, please write the names of deceased family and friends on the sheets at paper provided in the Church porch if you would like them to be remembered at all Masses throughout November.  All the collected names will be put in a basket and placed on the altar for the month.

Annual Mass for Deceased Clergy of the Deanery

A special Mass will be celebrated at St Joseph’s Church in Bromley at 11.30 am on Tuesday 8th November.  All parishioners would be most welcome.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers – 12th November

The annual day of recollection for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers for the South East area will take place at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Belltrees Grove, Streatham, SW16 2HY on Saturday, 12th November.  The theme for the day is ‘Encountering God’s Mercy in the Eucharist’.  The day will start at 11 am and finish with a Mass said by the Bishop, the Right Revd Patrick Lynch.  Please contact the Parish Office and let us know if you plan to attend.

Children’s Liturgy

If your child is 3 years old or above, they are welcome to join us for Liturgy sessions at the 9.15 am Sunday Mass each week.

Calling Children to Read and Sing at Mass

We are inviting children who have made their First Holy Communion and those who are older to become readers/singers at the 9.15 am Mass on Sunday mornings.   We are hoping to start a Children’s Mass once a month at 9.15 am when the children do the Readings but also the singing and serving.  Please let the Parish Office know if you are interested.

Confirmation 2017 – Meeting Monday 7 November

Last call for any Year 9 and above students who wish to be confirmed next year!  There is a “Come and See” meeting on Monday 7th November at 8 pm in the Church.  This meeting is for candidates and their parents.  At the end of the meeting, packs will be distributed ready for enrolment into the programme which starts with a kick off day on Saturday 26th November.   If you intend to come to the meeting on the 7th, please let the parish office know by phone or email:   We look forward to meeting you all.

First Holy Communion 2017

If you would like your child to take part in our parish programme for First Holy Communion, please send an email to the Parish Office with all relevant details, child’s name, date of birth, school, names of parents, address and contact details.

Candidates must be in Year 3 or above.  All preparation classes are held on Saturdays from 4.30 to 5.45 and will run from January to June.   Dates for First Holy Communion are 10th and 17th June 2017.

RCIA – Journey in Faith at St James’

The Journey in Faith (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) will start with a welcome session on Sunday 27th November.  Please let the Parish Office know if you would like to begin your journey with us.

Christmas Choir

Following on from the success of the recent parish music workshop, we would now like to hear from anyone who is interested in joining our Christmas Choir this year.  The Christmas Choir will be singing in the special services during the Christmas season.  Commitment to attending rehearsals will be important as most of the songs and carols will be sung in parts. 
Rehearsals will take place weekly on Thursday evenings, 8.00-9.15pm in the church, starting on 10th November.

If you are interested in being involved or require more information, please sign up on the forms at the back of the church after Mass or email the Parish Office.


Parish Pastoral Council Pillar

Summary of the meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) held on 20th October 2016.

The PPC organises its work under the headings of eight ‘pillars’.  These include Pastoral Care, Evangelisation, Communication, Liturgy, Young Church, the Social Life of the Parish, Finance and Maintenance.    Each pillar has nominated leads who are working with other parishioners to identify objectives and agree plans for achieving these.

The Open Part of the Meeting (when parishioners are welcome to attend)

One parishioner attended this meeting and raised three queries concerning: the potential benefit of using name badges more frequently; encouraging use of the Community Centre after Mass on Sundays; and discussed ways of encouraging parishioners to join the church cleaning rota.  The PPC welcomed these suggestions and is considering how to take the ideas forward.

During this meeting, the PPC received updates from the leaders of the Liturgy, Young Church and Social Life of the Parish pillars.  Plans included:

a)      the re-introduction of Eucharistic Adoration, plans to involve youngsters in the liturgy at Mass and work to develop music ministry

b)     youth ministry through consultation and projects, more retreats and social evenings; and  creating pathways for youngsters rather than adhering to age-groups

c)      better coordination of parish activities by liaising with parish groups and the PTA of St James’ Primary School; information and plans to set up an online diary for the Community Centre.

The PPC is also considering how to, for example:

·         improve communication - by adding the rota of weekly ministries to Briefly and considering how to develop the use of social media

·         explore ways to make the 9.15am Mass on Sundays more relevant and engaging for the whole family

·         increase pastoral care by setting up a group of interested parishioners

·         develop evangelisation through the “year of mercy’ discussions

·         encourage openness while respecting confidentiality

Parishioners are welcome to come and talk to members for a half an hour before each meeting and raise suggestions and queries.  To raise an issue for discussion by the full PPC, or to make an enquiry, please email, or drop a note into the Parish office so that your issue can be considered.

Evangelisation Pillar: Events

Growing in Faith

To round off the “Year of Mercy” at St James’, please join us in the Community Centre if you can.  You would be most welcome.

Wednesday 9th November 8pm – Group Discussion “Mercy and New Life” John 11: 1-45.

Advent Spiritual Programme

Please join us for a series of special events for Advent:

Wednesday 30th November: Geoff Whelan SJ, Contemplating Mercy through Art and Scripture

Wednesday 7th December: Sr.  Marie Christine, For you, O Lord, my Soul in Stillness Waits

Wednesday 14th December: Mike Ford, Henri Nouwen and the Wounded Healer

Monday 19th December: Fr David Camilleri, Prepare the Way of the Lord (a time of quiet reflection)

All talks will take place in the Community Centre at 8pm and will be followed by refreshments.  Please see flyers and posters for more details or contact

Pastoral Care Pillar

Invitation to all Parishioners

Meeting 23rd November 7.30pm - Discover the peace of Shalom

The Acorn Christian Healing Foundation is a training service set up to offer a wide range of focused training experiences which meet the needs of churches and individuals who want to serve their communities better.    Subjects cover reconciliation, wholeness, and prayer ministry and equip the church to make a transforming impact in their communities.

On Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm, the Director of Acorn, Wes Sutton is coming to give a talk at St James’ Cummunity Centre and we are inviting all parishioners to attend.  Acorn was established in 1983 by Bishop Morris Maddocks and has been at the forefront of providing people regardless of ther circumstances, background or life choices with the opportunity to experience the ‘shalom’ a life-encompassing peace – that is at the heart of the Christian message.  Shalom impacts every area of a person’s life – relationships, physical and spiritual wellbeing and emotional wholeness.

To find out more, do join us for what promises to be a enlightening and comforting spiritual experience.  Please let the Parish Office know if you are planning to be there.  Tea/Coffee served.  Finish at 9 pm.

Calling all Catechists

There will be a meeting of all Catechists on Tuesday 22nd November, 8pm in the Community Centre.  If you are involved in Baptism, Children's Liturgy, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, RCIA or would like to be involved please do join us.

Young Church Pillar

Altar Server Introduction Session with Pizza – Monday 14th November – 5.30pm to 7 pm

If you have made your First Holy Communion, attend Mass here at St James’ and would like to help us by joining our Altar Servers then please come along to our Altar Server Introduction session with pizza.  This is open to potential new altar servers and current altar servers and will take place on Monday 14th November in the Community Centre 5.30 pm to 7pm.  If you are interested, then please email ideally by Monday 7th November so we know the numbers for the evening and how much pizza to order.  Alternatively, if you not free to join us on 7th November but are interested in becoming an altar server, please email either the Parish Office or  and we will provide you with the necessary details for joining up.

Calling all Year 7 and above – Christ the King Youth Day - 19th November

Come along to St James’ the Great Church, Petts Wood on Saturday 19th November ((12pm – 6 pm, Vigil Mass) for the chance to reunite with friends, share good food and get involved in events such as music, art and dance.  The activities will be

organised by the Whitstable Retreat Team and will be followed by Mass at 6pm.  Tickets cost £2 and can be bought in advance from the parish office or on the day.  For more information on this event, see our website :

Parish Groups

Justice & Peace Group – Parish Peru Project

St James' is supporting the work of Fr Alex Busuttil in the parish of St Helen in Peru for the 2016/2017 until July 2017.  Fr Alex asked if we could assist with funding the cost of building a small chapel at the children's home which has now been developed into a family centre.  The chapel has recently been completed with our help and has been named the Adoration Chapel and is now in daily use.  We have so far sent £6,116 to Fr Alex.  A further $10,000 will be needed to repay funds that were borrowed to complete chapel and Fr Alex has asked for our continued support to assist in repaying the borrowing.

He has sent us photographs of the Adoration Chapel and these are displayed together with other information on St Helen's on the notice board near the entrance to the church.  Fr Alex has thanked us for all our help and he keeps us in his prayers.

Foodbank News

Following recent harvest Festival collections at Bromley churches, the Foodbank organisers report that their stocks of food are now at a plentiful level.  However, they didn’t receive much washing up liquid, washing detergents or toiletries so these would be much appreciated.  We suggest that our generous donors should concentrate on those items for the next couple of weeks.  The Foodbank is beginning to collect Christmas food suitable for their special hampers, so items such as cakes, biscuits and chocolates would also be very welcome.  Please continue to watch Briefly for current needs.  Thank you.

Foodbank Volunteers

The Bromley Foodbank has asked for volunteers to hand out leaflets to shoppers at some local Tesco stores on Thursday 1 December and Saturday 3 December.  The leaflets will contain a list of items that the Foodbank requires and will invite customers to purchase an item or items from the list to donate to the Foodbank.

A link to enable volunteers to select a store and the day and time they are able to help is set out below.  Parishioners have on past occasions signed up to help with the Tesco collections for the Foodbank.  Thank you.

Traidcraft stall

This weekend, favourites plus new items.  Back by popular demand – The Real Chocolate Advent Calendar which can be ordered from the stall.  Non-chocolate Advent Calendars available at Repository shop.

Please take The Pilgrim home

The Pilgrim is circulated by the Diocese to every parish every month and you are encouraged to take a copy home FREE OF CHARGE.

Christmas Market

Please keep the weekend of 10th/11th December free for the Friends of St James' Christmas Party and Market, details to follow soon.

We are looking for parishioners to run small stalls on Sunday 11th December selling jewellery, scented candles, soaps, bags, etc.  (as you would find in a traditional Christmas Market).  We have a number of stalls available on a first come first served basis so please get in touch with Sue David email: if you would like to be involved.

Brownies - Cake Sale Next Sunday

Next Sunday the Brownies will be holding  a cake sale to raise money for the Guide Dog Association.

Parent & Toddler Group

A Parent & Toddler Group meets every Friday during term time in the Community Centre from 1.30 – 3pm.  Parents with babies from 0 up to age 5 are welcome to attend.  Do come along and enjoy the companionship and the fun.  Refreshments provided.

DAD & Me – 19 November

The next meeting of Dad & Me will be held at the Community Centre on Saturday 19 November at 10 am – 11.30 am.

Appeal on behalf of 3rd Petts Wood Scout Group

Would you like to help our Young People to become responsible,caring, enthusiastic adults with a love of life, our world, adventure and everyone in it?

There are currently approximately 50 children on the waitig list.  Unfortunately those older than 6 are unable to join 3rd Petts Wood Scout Group.  Currently, we are unable to offer places to anyone in Cubs and Scouts who are not in Beavers due to a lack of Leaders.  In the past, we have had two Cub packs and could offer places for all those wishing to join Scouting here at St James’.

Please consider joining the Scout Group here in the parish as an Assistant Leader or regular Helper.  We can offer fun, friendship and a real sense of achievement from seeing your young people grow as they progress from Beavers at age 6 to Explorers and Young Leaders at the age of 18 through being part of the largest Youth Organisation in the World.

Each of us has skills to offer and you willl learn new ones.  All that is needed is enthusiasm, a willingness to work as part of a team, a positive attitude, tolerance and a sense of humour.  We do have some young people who need additional support at the weekly meetings in order that they can get the most out of the activities and to enable everyone to participate fully in the programme.  This can be a challenge for the current Leaders due to the number in each section and the varying needs of the Young people.

There is a training programme for Leaders and all the current Leaders are here to support you in your role.

We have always had strong links with the Parish and all the current Leaders have come via the Parish in one way or another.  All of us have had or currrently have children in the Group and can vouch for the benefit Scouting has for our Young people.

Please consider if you can help and contact me via email or through the Parish Office.

St James’ RC Primary School – Open Day Wednesday 23rd November

The Open Day will take place on Wednesday 23rd November at 9.30 – 10.30 am.  It is not necessary to book a place, parents are invited to turn up at the appointed time.

Supplementary Information Forms will be distributed at this event.  Please contact the school directly for any further information.


Reminder for Parents – Food & Drink should not be brought into the church for consumption during Mass.  Thank you for your co-operation.