The Ascension is often interpreted as Jesus leaving the world. 


However it is really about his universal availability in the world. 


It shows us that the crucified and risen Lord is now in the glory of God’s kingdom, but this kingdom is not something completely detached from our world.


In one sense, Jesus does leave us but also empowers us through his Holy Spirit to carry out his work in the world.


Archbishop William Temple (Archbishop of Canterbury 1942-44) puts this well in his book “Readings in St John’s Gospel”:


“In the days of his earthly ministry,

only those could speak to Jesus

who came where he was.

If he was in Galilee,

they could not find him in Jerusalem;

if he was in Jerusalem,

they could not find him in Galilee.

But his Ascension means that he is perfectly united with God; we are with him wherever we are present to God;

and that is everywhere and always.

Because he is ‘in heaven’, he is everywhere on earth;

because he is ascended, he is here now.”


Mass attendances last Sunday:614. 

Sunday 5/6/11

We welcome through Holy Baptism (Sat. 1pm), Gabriel Benjamin Fisher (14 mths), his parents Andrew and Clare and godparents Teresa, William and Catherine; and Fr.Peter Madden.


6pm –Sheila Simon (In thanksgiving)


9.15am- People of the Parish


11am -Gerry Geogheghan (M. Thompson)


Second collection for Communications






9.30am –Veronica Herbert  & family (the CWL)


Finance Committee in 281A Crescent Drive (re scheduled)


1-30-3.30 pm - crafts/card games/tea and chat in the hall. Everyone very welcome! 


Mission and Planning meeting cancelled






9.30am- Christopher Drew (Frank & Sheila Simon)  


7.15pm-  No Mass this evening






9.30am – Margaret Kelly (Lewisham Irish Pensioners)





9.30am –  Fr. Louis Fitzmaurice (Found)






9.30am – Rosita Bisnar RIP (Linda Ledger & family)


Sunday 12/6/11

 Pentecost (A)


6pm – Newcomers to the Parish (the Parish’s Welcomers’ Team)


9.15am- Sori Sandorne (Andrea Crosland)


11am  - People of the Parish


Please support the Justice and Peace Fayre today - Traidcraft and other goods for sale.


 Cake sale after morning Masses.


Publication of new parish booklet and “time and talents sheet.”


Saturday 11/6/11

SVP meeting in the small meeting room Saturday 11th June at 4.45pm till 5.45pm. New members very welcome.  Please contact us at or through the Parish Office.


Newcomers Evening - If you are a newcomer to St James (i.e. the last 12-18 months) and have not received an invitation please contact Belinda Guyton at


Sunday 26/6/11

3rd Petts Wood Scouts Parish walk and picnic/BBQ. Starting after 11am Mass "Three Bridges Family Walk" (about 3 miles) over the railway bridges and through Petts Wood returning to the Parish garden.  Bring your own picnic or purchase hot dogs or burgers from the BBQ.  Push chairs will need a bit of lifting over the bridges!  Contact Sue David at


Next Sunday is the solemnity of Pentecost. In the early years of the church this festival ranked alongside Easter in importance and baptisms were carried out. 


Do remember you are always most welcome to baptisms (usually 4.30pm Saturdays.) Baptism is not just a family gathering but also a gathering of the church.  


Every blessing, Fr Bryan