Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,447.  Mass attendances were 831.


Sunday 5th February

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm (Saturday Vigil)

Walter George Akester RIP (Garcia & Akester Family)


People of the Parish


Robert Feeney RIP (Feeney Family)

Monday 6th February

St Paul Miki & Companions


Margaret Jackson RIP (Frank Simon)

Tuesday 7th February



Peggi & Mai Linehan

Wednesday 8th February



Keith Blacker (Welfare)

Thursday 9th February



Margaret Jackson RIP (C.  Cleary)

Friday 10th February

St Scholastica


Anthony Olivelle RIP (M.  Olivelle)

Sunday 12th February

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

6pm (Saturday Vigil)

Noah Mark Rothon RIP (Rothon Family)


People of the Parish


Thanksgiving (Fernandes Family)

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

Fr David writes

I find the response from the Christian communities in America to Donald Trump’s election as President fascinating.  Although we, as Christians believe in the same gospel principles, we do not necessarily have the same understanding of our faith.  There is a large section of the Christian population who are totally behind him because of his perspectives on pro-life issues for example.  For some reason, in America the most important issue in Christianity seem to be pro-life issues and when they speak of pro-life, they normally mean being against abortion.  On the other hand, there is a substantial large proportion of Christians in America who do not see anything Christian in their new President.  They see his value system as being very anti-Christian actually.  They understand that being a Christian, is a way of life of compassion especially towards those who are poor and needy.  The recent ban on migration for example has thrown America and the world into hysteria.  Both of these group’s choices are informed by the same book – the Bible.  The difference is that they both have different emphasis of the same message.  For one group, being a light for others as a Christian is to be active in the prolife movement and attend church.  For the others, they claim to be salt of the earth by being inclusive in their communities, by serving the poor and the needy.  Who is in the right and who is in the wrong?  Who is being a Christian?  This question takes me to another important theological concept.  The concept of Evangelisation.  What is evangelisation?  What do we mean when we say we are a church that needs to evangelise?  For some Christian groups, evangelisation means proselytising.  Preaching constantly about Jesus Christ and trying to convert everyone to become a Christian.  According to them, without any shadow of doubt, that is what Jesus is calling us to do.

That is how they interpret today’s readings.  In today’s first reading the importance of sharing the light is stressed.  The prophet tells the people that genuine fasting is related not only to God but to their neighbour.  Their fasting should include sharing their food with the hungry, sheltering the homeless and clothing the naked.  When they do these things “then your light will shine like the dawn and your wound be quickly healed over”.  The practice of their religion must include God and their neighbour.  The theme of sharing the light is repeated in the Gospel as Jesus continues to instruct his disciples.  Discipleship is not only about the right relationship with God but also about a right relationship with other people.  Discipleship is not a personal privilege; it is for the benefit of others and the glory of the Father.  If the disciples stop witnessing then they become like flat salt that is wholly useless.  Light is not a private energy; it is not for hiding or hoarding.

Pope Paul VI made the point eloquently in his exhortation Evangelisation in the Modern World.  “through his wordless witness these Christians can stir up irresistible questions in the hearts of those who see how they live.  Why are they like this?  Why do they live in this way?  What or who is it that inspires them?  Why are they in our midst?  Such a witness is already a silent proclamation of the Good News and a very powerful and effective one.  Here we have an initial act of evangelisation (EN 21).  I personally see evangelisation in the same way.  Personally, I am very cautious of big programmes of evangelisation which somehow although they do attract some people but there needs to be follow ups otherwise they tend to just fade away.  I believe in process and word of mouth.  If someone is trying to live their Christian way of life genuinely in their everyday choices and way of relating with others, people tend to ask the right questions.  At first they might see the goodness in you and then they might ask you questions about your spirituality and faith.  I find that people who are new in our parish at St James’ – when I ask them how did they get to know about St James’, they usually tell me that they have met someone who spoke of our community of faith and they came to check it out.  As disciples of Christ, our witness should lead others to wonder.  If we hide our light we puzzle no one.  When we share it with others, another Christian is born.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Tuesday 7th February between 5pm – 7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

Second Collection

There will be a second collection next weekend (11th/12th February) for the Maintenance Fund.

PPC – Parish Pastoral Council

Summary of the meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) held on 25th January 2017


The PPC organises its work under the headings of eight ‘pillars’.  These include Pastoral Care, Evangelisation, Communication, Liturgy, Young Church, the Social Life of the Parish, Finance and Maintenance.    Each pillar has nominated leaders, working with other parishioners, to support activities in these areas.


Part One of the meeting when parishioners are welcome to attend.


·         There were no attendances by, or enquiries from, parishioners at this meeting.

During Part Two of the meeting, the PPC’s discussions included for example:


a)      A projector and screen has been installed in the Community Centre to help support catechesis and other parish activities.

b)     The parish’s booklet for newcomers has been revised and would be available shortly.  Fr.  David thanked all of the parishioners who had helped with this.

c)      The PPC was planning to issue periodic newsletters, two or three times a year, starting this Spring.

d)     The Social Pillar, together with the Friends of St James, was planning the parish’s main social events for 2017.  The Friends were also focusing on encouraging parishioners to come to the Community Centre after Masses on Sundays.  (Do drop in for tea or coffee-everyone is welcome!).

e)      Fr.  David, and the PPC, will be considering options to introduce an Education Pillar for the parish.

f)       This year’s ‘Journey In Faith’ programme is underway and the participants are very welcome within our community.

g)     The PPC is considering how best to support programmes of ‘Weeks of Accompanied Prayer’ in the future.  These have been very successfully provided in recent years, in conjunction with Petts Wood Churches Together, and the two-yearly cycle would probably be maintained.

h)     The plans for Lent were nearly complete and details would be published soon.

i)        The parish was hosting a workshop on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudate Si’ on Saturday 11th February and everyone was encouraged to support this.

Parishioners are welcome to come and talk to members for half an hour before each meeting and raise suggestions and queries.  To raise an issue for discussion by the full PPC, or to make an enquiry, please email, or drop a note into the Parish office so that your issue can be considered.

Pastoral Care Pillar

There will be a meeting of the Pastoral Care Team on Thursday 16th February at 8.15pm.

Evangelisation Pillar

‘Care for Our Common Home’ Event

On Saturday 11th February we will have the opportunity to find out more about the Pope's encyclical Laudato Si'.  Susy Brouard of the CAFOD Theology team is coming to give us an overview of what the Holy Father tells the world about caring for our planet.  This invitation is to parishioners of all ages.  The event will start at 2pm and finish in good time for 6pm Mass.

Come and hear the Catholic Church's teaching about preserving the planet for future generations.  Not many places left, so please see the posters at the back of church and sign up to this free event by filling in a registration form.  You can also register by emailing or phoning Roger Wright on 01689 821186.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers

We are looking for some additional people to become Readers and Eucharistic Ministers at the Sunday morning 9.15 Mass.  Training will be provided.

Children’s Liturgy

If your child is 3 years old or above, they are welcome to join us for Liturgy sessions at the 9.15am Sunday Mass each week.

Calling Children to Read and Sing at Mass

We are inviting children who have made their First Holy Communion and those who are older to become readers/singers at the 9.15am Mass on Sunday mornings.  We are hoping to start a Children’s Mass once a month at 9.15 am when the children do the Readings but also the singing and serving.  Please let the Parish Office know if you are interested.

Communications Pillar

Parish Facebook Page

We have a Facebook page for the Parish and are posting a mixture of spiritual and informative items.  If you would like to receive these updates from the Parish on Facebook you can find the page by searching Facebook for ‘St James the Great RC Church Petts Wood’ and click on ‘Like’.

The Parish diary is online

There is an online diary for parish events which you can find at or go to the parish website and use the main menu item "Parish diary".  Bookings will continue to be made through the parish office but hopefully the diary will help you to identify free dates for your events.

Social Pillar

The Friends of St James' – Coffee after Mass – Sunday, 5th February

You’re invited by the Friends of St James' to come and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea (or squash for little people!) after Mass this Sunday in the Community Centre.  Meet members of our Parish and chat over a cup of coffee or tea and find out more about the Friends, what the group does, and the events it has planned for 2017.  Hot drinks are free to anyone wearing a Friends badge!  We’ll be holding Friends coffee mornings every first Sunday in the month from now on, so please pop along next month if you can’t today.  We’re looking forward to seeing you after Mass.

Shrove Tuesday 28th February:  Save the date”

Pancakes in the Parish Community Centre.  More information and how to book for delicious homemade pancakes next week!

Finance Pillar

200 CLUB

We are organizing a 200 club starting in April.  Application forms are attached and Ken Evans will be giving a short presentation after 9.15 and 11am Masses this weekend and 6pm next Saturday.  Please give this matter your consideration.

Deanery News…

St Joseph's e dintorni

Calling all Italians, their families and friends from St Joseph's, Bromley and all surrounding Catholic parishes.  Our first Italian Sunday Mass will be presided by Fr Saju on the 26th February 2017 at St Joseph's RC Church, 1 Plaistow Lane, Bromley, BR1 2PR, at 12.30pm followed by a bring-and-share lunch at the Holy Trinity Convent hall, behind the church, where we'll celebrate the Carnevale season together.  After Mass, all children are invited to dress up as their favourite character or mascherina! If you'd like to join us, please show your interest by texting your name and email address to Carmela G on 07833 648265.  Further details will be sent.  Do bring a friend - the more the merrier!

Parish Life….

The Monday Club

meets from 1.30-4.30pm in the Community Centre.  Please come and join us – it’s fun!

Parent & Toddler Group

A Parent & Toddler Group meets every Friday during term time in the Community Centre from 1.30 – 3pm.  Parents with babies from 0 up to age 5 are welcome to attend.  Do come along and enjoy the companionship and the fun.  Refreshments provided.

Firm Believers

is our inter-church Fun-Fitness class to music.  It takes place every Tuesday (in term-time), 7.00 - 7.45 pm, in our Community Centre here at St James.  Stay for tea or coffee and chat afterwards if you wish.  So come and give it a try, with a group of friendly ladies of all abilities - cost £5.   You're welcome to just turn up, or contact us (contact:  07904 329788 or  Maybe bring a friend.  Wear trainers, any comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel and get fit and trim for Spring.


Would all parishioners attending Mass please ensure the disabled parking spaces are left available for those with blue badges or those who have mobility difficulties.  Many thanks.

Lost Property

If you have left anything behind in recent weeks please will you check the lost property box in case your property has been handed in.  Thank you.


A very big thank you to all who so generously supported the Traidcraft stall during 2016.  Total receipts were £2,535 from purchases and donations and from the profit we have been able to send £200 to our Parish Overseas Project, St.  Helen’s Parish, Peru.  The takings on the Traidcraft Stall were £346.25.  Many thanks for your most generous response.  (J&P)

Christ Our Morning Star

Retreat in Malta inspired by the art of Sieger Koder.  April 30th – May 5th 2017 with optional pilgrim tour weekend on 29th – 30thApril.  For more information contact or +35622760000.

Reminder for Parents

Food & Drink should not be brought into the church for consumption during Mass.  Thank you for your co-operation

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

12th February


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


I.  Garcia Finan

Chantal Cook

E.  Froud


Uniformed Groups


Andrew Prifti

D.  Woolston


C.  D'Souza

C.  Hairs


Parade Mass


Ministers of Holy Communion

Jim Callinan

P.  Driscoll

T Babb

Bea Babb

H.  Rothon

Bruno Cotta

Will David

B.  D’Arcy

T.  Forde

M.  Smith


B.  Bridle

A.  Bunnage


V.  Terry

N.  Longhurst



Emilia Aletta

Sandra Dixon

T.  Troy

J.  Cosgrave

B.  Bridle



P.  Cosgrave

R Monaghan



Mike Shea

Tom Wrafter



Saturday 11th February


Cleaning the Church

Eucharistic Ministers, Uniformed Groups