Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,236.  Mass attendance was 530.




Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


6.00pm Edith Mary George (George Family)


9.15am People of the Parish


11.00am  Sarah & Philip May (Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving)






9.30 KSC (Pope Francis Year of Mercy)  (KSC)




9.30 Jimmy & Mary O’Connor





9.30am Peggie & Mai Linehan




The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


9.30am Sheila Mulherah





9.30am Moira & Trevor Lyons (RIP) (G.  Whitley)



Vigil Mass

6.00pm Dr.  Margaret Evelyn Ledger




Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.15am Danuta & Zygmunt Kukula RIP (S.  Kukula)


11.00am People of the Parish


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.


Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the church.  All welcome.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 6th September 5.00–8.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments necessary.

Fr David writes…

As always, I am fascinated by difference in personality styles especially when opposite personalities are in some way in a relationship with one another either in a work situation, social or familial relationship.  Lately I was chatting with a friend of mine who confessed that he was very concerned about his daughter’s boyfriend and how his choices would eventually impact on her life.  I know them both and I know that they are both good men but they come from completely different personality styles with totally different perspectives on life.  My friend is a very organised and structured man.  He puts as high value, stability and security over everything.  He is a happily married man and loving father.  He has done quite well in his profession and worked hard enough together with his wife, to provide a very comfortable life to his family.  This helps him to feel in control.  This lifestyle works for him.  The problem is that because he needs security and stability to cope which fuels his sense of control, he expects everyone to be the same.  On the other hand, his daughter’s boyfriend, and also in some respect the daughter herself, is a totally different kettle of fish.  I would describe him as a dreamer.  And he dreams big.  His aim in life is to travel and see the world.  He is very articulate and charming and needs constantly new ventures in order to stimulate him in life.  He started a course at university and after three years, went to my friend and professed that he is not interested anymore in that particular course and wants to invest his energy and passion on another profession.  Well you could imagine what kind of reception he got.  For my friend, this kind of personality is a total nightmare.  Agree that there is a big age difference between my friend and the daughter’s boyfriend and so they both see life from a different angle.  But I think beyond the age group issue, they are on totally different polarities in how they see life and what gives meaning to their lives.  The daughter unfortunately is like ham in a sandwich as she is in love with this young passionate dreamer but also can understand her father’s point of view – his concerns.  She eventually has the ultimate say to choose what she wants.

Somehow we need to find a middle ground.  Maybe we need to plan and organise our lives but not to the extent of suffocating our dreams.  Our dreams need to keep on motivating us on but at the same time with some kind of structure and realism to sustain our dreaming.  I am sharing with you this experience because it depicts first of all the reality of personalities and the impact of them in our relationships.  We all have our own way of seeing life.  We have our own value systems that may differ from others.  For us maybe other people’s choices seem odd.  But there are reasons why people choose to live in certain ways and not others.  It could be their own personalities plus their personal experience in life.  We cannot judge until we walk in the shoes of the other.  A lot of our misconceptions and sometimes also arguments with people stem from the fact that we do not stop and think that when we encounter another, we need to take off our sandals and realise that we are standing on sacred ground.  There is no other way of expressing this reality.  Sometimes we do not agree with the lifestyle or choices that other people make.  This could be our own daughters and sons also, but ultimately we need to respect their choices.  I know it is very difficult especially for parents when it impacts directly the happiness and well being of their children.  However Life has its own way of teaching us even through our mistakes and failures.  Unfortunately we think that we can protect ourselves from a lot of suffering – in reality we cannot protect ourselves from all pain.  We need to accept that the cross is a reality in our lives.  We would hopefully learn and grow through it.

In the gospel today there is plenty of figuring out to be done too.  Jesus gives people notice that they have to work out for themselves if they are equal to the demands of discipleship.  This means that first they have to figure out the cost of discipleship, then consider whether they have the resources to meet that cost.  There is a simple, practical realism in Jesus’ advice.  He doesn’t want people rushing headlong into instant commitment while ignoring the cost and their own capabilities.  Discipleship involves having no security other than total commitment to Jesus.  Much of our lives involve figuring out what is within our reach and what we ourselves can realistically achieve.  He calls them away from the primacy of the family because discipleship means a new and all-consuming loyalty.  It involves following the Master who makes his way of love with a cross on his back.  We are called to follow Christ – grounded by the cross.

Parish Groups

Parish Council – 7th September

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 7th September at 8pm in the Community Centre.  The first hour of the meeting is open to all parishioners and you would be most welcome to attend and raise any relevant issue for discussion

Youth Retreat 30th September-2nd October 2016 – few remaining spaces!

The Parish Youth Team are organising a retreat on the above dates at St Vincent’s Centre Whitstable.  All young adults that have been confirmed are invited to attend this retreat.  The cost will be £75.00.  If you could confirm your interest to the Parish Office via telephone 01689 827100 or email

Christ The King Youth Day – 19th November

The Catholic Youth Ministry Christ the King Youth Day will take place on Saturday 19th November here at St James’ from 12.00pm-5.30pm and will be followed by a Youth Mass at 6.00pm.  There will be activites throughout the day and refreshments will  be provided.  This event is open to all young people across the Bromley Deanery in school years 7 and above.  If you would like to attend please inform the Parish Office.

Dad and Me – 17th September

The next session will take place on Saturday 17 September 10 – 11.30 am in the Community Centre

Year of Mercy – Growing in Faith - 13th September

We will be continuing our informal discussions on the theme of the Year of Mercy on Tuesday 13th September at 8pm in the Community Centre.  We will be considering “Mercy is Greater than Prejudice” and the passage we will discuss is John 4: 5-42.  Everyone if welcome.  I do hope you can join us. 

Deanery Pilgrimage to Cathedral – 17th September

There is a home-school-parish deanery pilgrimage to St George’s Cathedral Southwark taking place on Saturday 17th September 10.30am for 11.00am.  It would be great to have some parishioners at the service representing our parish.  If you are able to attend please add your name to the list in the Church porch.  There are no costs incurred but parishioners will need to cover their own transportation costs and may want to take lunch.   

Monday Club

The Monday Club meets in the Hall at 1.30 – 4 pm each week.  Everyone is welcome, all ages.   Activities include crafts, outdoor French Boules (in the garden) indoor curling, tri-dominos, table tennis and lots more including the Craft Group.    Tea and Coffee and a chat.  £1 contribution welcome.

Bromley Foodbank

The Foodbank has reported that it has almost run out of jars of pasta sauce.  They are also very low on custard, rice puddings and tined fruit, and ‘cold’ meat (ham, spam etc.) ‘hot’ meat (i.e.  tinned meat that can be heated to form the basis of a hot meal) and tinned vegetables.  Please help if you can.  Thank you.  J&P Group

Leave the Car at Home Weekend

If you normally come to Mass by car, please will you try to leave it at home when you come at the weekend of 24-25th September.  The J&P Group is asking the parish to repeat this annual event which started when we worked to achieve the CAFOD LiveSimply award in 2014.  Please note that this suggestion is only for those fit enough to travel by foot, cycle, bus, scooter, push chair, etc!  There will be special stickers for children who don’t come by car.  Help the parish to renew its promise to live simply and support one of the many principles in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si.  If you live a long way from St.  James’, why not park the car and walk the last half mile, perhaps.  J&P Group

CWL Military Whist Drive Saturday 24 September 7.30 for 8pm start

This is a fun evening for all ages from 10 years old upwards.  Children must be able to play cards and join in.  Tickets cost £6 and includes a Ploughman’s Supper.  If you would like to learn how to play or practise, please come

along at 7.30pm.  To enable us to cater, please phone 0208 467 3697 to book places and do remember to mention any dietary requirement.  CWL

Shoe boxes

Every two years, the CWL make up Christmas Shoe Boxes for children in the Romanian Orphanages supported by the Biggin Hill Romania Group.  We will be making up the boxes on 19 September from 1.30 in the Community Centre here at St.  James and would welcome any donations or offers to come and help pack the boxes.  A list of suggested items will be on the CWL noticeboard.  We have been asked to consider boxes for older teenage boys as not so many people provide theseCWL

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers

Diary dates

Fr David would like to meet with both the Eucharist Ministers and the Readers in September as follows:

Eucharistic Ministers on Monday 12 September at 8pm in the Church

Readers on Monday 19 September at 8pm in the Church.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers – 12th November

The annual day of recollection for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers for the South East area will take place at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Belltrees Grove, SW16 2HY on Saturday, 12th November.  The theme for the day is ‘Encountering God’s Mercy in the Eucharist’.  The day will start at 11 am and finish with a Mass said by the Bishop Rt.  Rev.  Patrick Lynch.  Please contact the Parish Office and let us know if you plan to attend. 

Firm Believers – 6th September

Our inter-church Fun-Fitness class to music will be restarting on Tuesday 6th September 7 - 7.45 pm in the Community Centre, here at St.  James.  So come and give it a try with a group of friendly ladies of all abilities.  You are welcome to just turn up or contact us at  Bring a friend if you wish.  We meet every Tuesday during term time and the cost is £5.  Wear trainers and any comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel and get fit and trim. 

Bethlehem Nativity

A missionary group from Bethlehem Nativity will visit us this weekend to briefly talk about the Holy Land and to sell religious articles made out of olive wood from the Holy Land to help and support poor Christian families there.  Any help you could give would be hugely appreciated. 

Jam Jars Required

454g size.  Please leave in the box in the Church Porch or speak to Frank Simon.  We eagerly look forward to damson jam produced from the parish garden in the coming weeks. 

Gardening Help – 10th September

The Garden and Church grounds need weeding, clearing and tidying and we would welcome some help to get it looking at its best for the autumn.  We are blessed to have such a great setting and we want to ensure that it is well maintained for the benefit of parishioners and visitors alike. 

We would really appreciate it if you could help for about an hour, providing you are fit and well, on Saturday 10th September.  Meet in the Car Park at 10 am.  Thank you in advance. 

Jobs Available

St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School in Coulsdon is looking to recruit a new Head Teacher required for January 2017.  The Governors are eager to interview practising Catholics who would be suitable applicants for the position.  Contact

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) is currently looking to recruit for two positions, Digital Editor and Supporter Development Officer.  Both jobs are permanent.  For details please contact  Details are posted on the notice board in the Church porch.