‘Familiarity breeds contempt.’  Sadly, all too true, as Jesus found out when he preached to his own people at the synagogue in Capernaum.  They had known him since he was a boy; what right did he have to preach to them?  As Jesus says, no prophet is ever accepted in his own country, or, as the first chapter of St John’s gospel reminds us, ‘ he came to his own and his own people did not accept him.’ (1:11).

Perhaps part of the problem is that we all like novelty too much.  This can infect (yes, infect) our lives if we are not careful, including our marriage relationships.  The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence but of course that’s just an illusion (but a very powerful one).  But still an illusion.  Not reality.

We need to be able to see (perceive) things more clearly - especially those things (and people) who are close to us - and appreciate them much more than we do. (This is really why Jesus restored the sight of the blind man in St John chapter 9).  God is present everywhere and is in everyone and everything.  The people in the Nazareth synagogue just could not ‘see’ who Jesus was or what he was getting at.  And they certainly did not perceive God’s presence in him.

Our faith is really how we ‘see’ the world, other people and ourselves. It is not about seeking constant novelty (of whatever kind) but about experiencing God in our daily lives. It is about allowing God to refresh us where we are, and not thinking that our salvation is somewhere else. God in the humdrum, in the ‘pots and pans’ but crucially, God is within us, in our ‘hearts’.  If we are not aware of him there, it is unlikely we shall find him anywhere else.

Hopefully many of us will be helped to experience all this a little more in the Week of Accompanied Prayer.  Personally I am looking forward to what will be, I am sure, a refreshing experience.

‘The Seven Year Itch.’ This is my seventh year here with you as your priest...........Lord, help us!

Defend Real Marriage.

Many thanks to those of you who posted cards to your MP’s last week. This further message has just been received from SPUC. I encourage you to respond – today!

‘The government has now launched its bill to redefine marriage, and the first vote on the bill in Parliament will be on Tuesday (5th). Whether or not you have already written to your MP, please make a point of telephoning or emailing your MP before Tuesday afternoon, to urge him/her to vote against the same-sex marriage bill. Ask him/her also to vote against the ‘programme motion’, which seeks to curt short the debate on the bill. The more we do at this stage to oppose the bill, the better the chance of upholding real marriage in our laws.

Phone your MP via the House of Commons switchboard:020 7219 3000, or e mail him/her from the website www.writetothem.com

Mass attendances last Sunday were 677.



Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

6pm – Reginald Griffin RIP (Larry & Ann Farrell)

9.15am – People of the Parish

11am – Agatha Yee RIP (Victor Brittain-Wong)


Monday 4/2/13


10am – Requiem Mass for Ian Berry




St Agatha, virgin and martyr

9.30am – Celebration of Genevieve Head’s birthday.  (Mothers Prayer Group)




St Paul Miki and companions

9.30am – Jessie De Clozets RIP (J Craen)





9.30am – Deceased relatives of the Kelly Family (M T Kelly)

12pmRequiem Mass for Joan Hansford





9.30am – Reginald Griffin RIP (M T Kelly)




Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

6pm – Neil Meehan RIP

(Meehan Family)

9.15am – Daniel Carrigan RIP (Gwen Carrigan & Family)

11am  - For the intention of Guy and Rachael Harris (Ann Kenny)


Today (9.15am) we welcome, through Holy Baptism James Michael Clements (11 months), his parents Kay and Michael and godparents Jane and Christopher.



Mass at 10 am – Requiem for Ian Berry, RIP.  Our prayers are with Sharon and the family.


Pastoral and Advisory Team, presbytery 7.45pm.



Journey in Faith, 7.45pm - 9pm – meeting room. For any non-Catholic who would like to learn the basics of the Faith.



7.45pm Livesimply group, meeting room.


First Communion, parent’s session.  8pm-9.15pm.



Mass at 12 noon- Requiem for Joan Hansford, RIP



First communion session – 4.30pm.


Next Sunday:

2nd collection for the Cabrini Childrens’ Society (see their letter of thanks for your crib offerings). We shall also be thinking about our commitment as a LiveSimply Parish.


Ash Wednesday is Wednesday week (Feb. 13th). Masses will be at 9.30am (with St James’ s School) and also at 8pm, when we are invited to receive the ashes of repentance (repentance = turning round, seeing correctly.


WEEK OF ACCOMPANIED PRAYER - Sunday 3rd March to Saturday 9th March 2013.

Pray to know if this is an opportunity you shouldn't just "reject as Not For Me?" 

For the housebound, the Guide will visit at home if requested.

Application Forms are available in the porch, and should be returned to the box in the porch as soon as possible to secure a place. Please note that next Sunday will be the last day for returning application forms.


In addition to the Week of Accompanied Prayer, you are invited to four sessions of lectio divina looking at four of the Lenten gospel readings. Tuesdays (Feb 12th and 19th and Mar. 12th and 19th)- 1.30pm-3pm at Southborough Lane Baptist (opposite) and the same session repeated  (8pm-9.30pm) at Christ Church URC, Tudor Way.  The sessions will be led by the ministers of our PW churches. Flyer next week.


Car Parking:

Please be careful and ensure that you do not block people in!! (especially after the 9.15 am Mass).  A car was badly scraped last Sunday.........


Financial Offerings:

You are encouraged to give regularly to the running of our parish community.  If you are a tax payer, please give through Gift Aid- which will not cost you a penny!  Please contact Geoff Ford who will advise you.  Alternatively Geoff is usually around after the 11am Mass on Sunday.


Parents presenting their children for baptism are required to register their attendance at Mass each weekend - immediately after Mass, front right of church.


Convalidation of Marriage:

It is encouraging that many couples have come forward and are now going through this (simple) process.  If you were not married in a Catholic ceremony, please contact me in confidence.  I am always happy to speak with parishioners about marriage matters, whatever they may be.


Please buy the papers and other booklets etc. parents NB the special Lent Day by Day for Juniors and Infants (50p).  Faith Today is also very good value (£2). And please use the library - and read up on your faith!


Church School places- September 2014: (Catholic/C of E/primary/secondary). Please take a form from porch and return to presbytery asap thank you. (This will help me to support your application towards the end of this year).


Please let me know if you are ill, or going in to hospital etc. or if you are moving (locally or right away from this area). We are a very large community and it is difficult to be aware of everyone.  And please let me know if you feel that I, or anyone in the parish, might be able to offer help of any kind.  We have many experienced people in various spheres.


Every blessing, Fr Bryan