Today’s gospel is from St John’s account of the man born blind (an image of each of us).


Blindness is a serious handicap but St John is talking about spiritual blindness and our (often) lack of perception. The man in the story is brought from spiritual blindness to faith in Jesus. It is the journey that each of us has to make- and a journey that will probably take most of our lives.


But we can also be blind to others, and to ourselves. Are we really aware of our sins and of the power of Jesus to absolve and accept us. Do we really see ourselves as others (and God) see us?


As a parish community we are the Body of Christ (nothing less).  If we are to really ‘see’ the risen Lord, we must see each other and this is why we offer so many opportunities for people to meet together, to get to know one another, to encourage each other and grow in our faith. We can’t possibly talk about loving God if we do not know each other!


So coffee after Mass on Sundays is not just another ‘option’ for those who like it. It is an integral part of who and what we are as a parish community.


It is a wonderful opportunity to see and be seen. It is a very important way for us to grow as a Catholic community- to love one another, to be on our journey of faith together, whoever we are, newcomers, ‘old hands’; or anywhere in between.


So do come in after Mass – everyone is most welcome – and- more than that – essential.


Every blessing to all mothers today on this Mothering Sunday.


Mass attendances last Sunday were 656.

Sunday 3/4/11

 Fourth Sunday of Lent (A)


We welcome through Holy Baptism (Sat 4.30pm), Gabriel Fisher, his parents Andrew and Clare and godparents Teresa, William and Catherine.


 6pm – People of the Parish


9.15am- In loving memory of Trevor Lyons (Trevor’s family)


11am –  Marina Jobson RIP (P & A Murray)


Social club AGM - 12noon in the hall.




9.30am- Deceased Relatives of the Kelly family ( M Kelly)


1-30-3.30 pm - craft/card games/tea and chat in the hall. Everyone very welcome!


Mission and Planning Team meeting - 7.30pm 





9.30am-  Arulanantham Theressamma (Arulanantham’s family)


7.15pm- George Hilborne RIP (The Edye family)


Finance Committee–10.15am in the presbytery


Evangelium -8pm in 281A 


Lent course – this week: Rev. Paul Hulme 1.30pm and 8pm.





9.30am – Parents of the Parish (Pat Murray)





9.30am –  Mrs Florence Symonds (the Troy family)   





9.30am – George Hilborne RIP (the Garton family)


Confession at 7pm and Stations at 7.30pm

Sunday 10/4/11

Fifth Sunday of Lent (A)


We welcome through Holy Baptism (Sat 3pm), Imani Kilonzo (1yr); his parents Jason and Faith and godparents Timothy and Caroline; and (4.30pm), Juanita Steve-Fagbemi (8mths); her parents Ayodeji and Olasunkanmi and godparents Owolabi and Bunmi.


 6pm – People of the Parish


9.15am-  Pat McElroy RIP (T McElroy)


11am – Private Intention (Foundation Mass) - Brownies cake sale after Mass


Peruvian Handicrafts - Veronica Elliston will be here with more Peruvian Handicrafts after Sunday Masses Prices have been reduced (Paul and Rachel will be returning from Peru in the summer.)

Revision of Parish Booklet. Would the leader of each parish group please contact Chris  Hairs, as soon as possible and let him know whether or not  any changes are needed to the group's entry in the Booklet.  Many thanks.



Tickets on sale, for Snow White at the Churchill Theatre on Friday 16th December at 19.30pm -in aid of the Brownies. Tickets £12.00 each.  Email  by 7th April.

Please remember the sick in your prayers: Bill Morley, Gerald Colman, Gloria Calnan, Joshua Canning (11 yrs.), Florence Angel, Christopher Drew, Ernest Field, Rita Williams, and Bishop Michael Evans (East Anglia).


Every blessing, Fr Bryan