Today we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Eucharist  (‘Corpus Christi’) – Christ’s gift of himself to us under the signs of Bread and Wine, offered to us as food for our souls at every Mass.

The terminology (‘body and blood’) is foreign to us because we are not familiar (as were the Jews of Jesus’ time) with animal sacrifice (Moslems still sacrifice a goat on the feat of Eid).  Jesus would have been brought up with this, as we know from his annual trips to the temple in Jerusalem, with Mary and Joseph for the feast of Passover.  Then, thousands of unblemished lambs would have been ritually slaughtered, and their blood poured over the altar by the priests.

This offering to God was seen as a sacrifice for sin.  In the evening, Jewish families would collect their lamb and roast it, enjoying a family meal together.  At Passover time (the time Jesus’ was executed) Jerusalem would have been heaving with thousands of Jews who had arrived for the feast from far and wide.

Jesus takes this scheme and transforms it.  At the Last Supper, he declares himself to be the ‘lamb’ of God (the ultimate and unique sacrifice for sin) who will give his life for the salvation of humanity.  And his followers are to feast on him (Holy Communion).

‘Christ, our Passover has been sacrificed, therefore let us keep the feast’ writes St. Paul (1 Corinthians 5.7).  In fact the very first celebrations of Mass by the early Christians was combined with a full meal, called an ‘agape’ (‘love feast’), but this soon died out (as did animal sacrifice among the Jews, when the temple was destroyed by the Romans in AD.70- and it has never been re-instated).

As Catholics we can so easily take Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament (the consecrated Bread and Wine) for granted. Countless saints and martyrs have given their lives for this belief.  We must remember that Christ is present with us not just at Mass, but in the Blessed Sacrament perpetually reserved in the tabernacle, and this is why we (should|) always bow the knee to this sacred presence each time we enter and leave a Catholic church.

How privileged we are to have all this ‘on tap’! And now, from this week, two extra Masses will be celebrated - on Saturdays at 9.30am and on Tuesdays at 7.15pm.  It is hoped that many parishioners will participate at these more convenient times (especially for those working during the week).

Note also that the Sacrament of Reconciliation (‘confession’) will now be available on Saturdays after the morning Mass from 10am-10.30am in addition to Saturday at 5.30pm (before the 6pm Mass).

All the sacramental resources of the church founded by Jesus Christ are ours!  Use them!!

Mass attendances for last Sunday were 549.




Corpus Christi

9.30am (Sat) – Gerald Coleman, RIP (Howell family)

6pm – People of the Parish

9.15am – Agatha Yee, RIP (Victor Brittain-Wong)

11am – Peter Cauneen, RIP (M Thompson)


Monday 3/6/13

No Monday Mass





9.30am – Christopher Cosgrave, RIP (F and S Simon)

7.15pm – Martin Screene (welfare)




St Boniface, bishop, martyr

9.30am – Dolores Robinson, RIP (Mary Hutchinson)





9.30am – Kathleen Quinn, RIP (Scott family)




The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

9.30am – In celebration of Bridget Wiggins’ birthday.




Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9.30am (Sat) –

6pm (Sat)  – People of the Parish

9.15am – George & Christina Jones, RIP (Cosgrave family)

11am – Fr. Louis Fitzmaurice


Today (Sunday) we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. We pray for her, and thank God for her consistency and Christian faith throughout the past 60 years.

We welcome also Andrew Hollingsworth who will appeal on behalf of the Passage Centre (Westminster ) at the end of all Masses.


Monday is now Fr. Bryan’s day off and there is no Mass.


Tuesday: Masses at 9.30am and 7.15pm

Journey in Faith at 8pm (NB new time.)

Wednesday: Meeting for all Readers at 8pm (hall). (Please let presbytery know if you cannot manage this).  Will end by 9pm.


Thursday: Finance Committee meeting with Fr. John Weatherill from the diocesan Finance Office to discuss our future development plans. (Meeting room, 11am.)


Friday: Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.



Mass at 9.30am. Sacrament of reconciliation at 10am (exposition from June 29th).

First communion rehearsal (both groups), 10am-12 noon.


Church cleaning – June 8th, 15th and 22nd

Would groups please clean on Fridays (i.e. the day before) 2pm-3pm OR  7pm-8pm.  (Would the 2pm group please indicate on the list which areas they have covered).  This is because the church will be in use for these three Saturday mornings.  Thank you!


Sunday (9th):

2nd collection for the Catholic Trust for England and Wales.  (Supplies our bishops with the revenue necessary for the central administration of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.).


Day for Catechists at the Cathedral on Saturday June 22nd 11am - 4pm.

It is hoped that as many of our catechists as possible will go (i.e. 1st communion, baptism, confirmation,, RCIA , etc).  A day to resource and encourage –workshops led by our diocesan staff.

Would all catechists please take the form from the porch TODAY and if you can go please return to Fr.Bryan by next Sunday (9th) (the parish will cover your fee).  If you are not presently a catechist, but would like to be involved in faith sharing (especially with our young people) you too are most welcome to go.

(The Amigo Hall is adjacent to our St George’s Cathedral- a 15 min. walk from Waterloo East).   (Don’t be put off by the awful term ‘catechist’- it simply means a faith sharer, encourager- and many thanks to all those who help in the parish in this way.)


Please pray for the sick and this week for Alice Travers (10yrs), John Dobson and David Kelly, all of whom are undergoing extensive hospital treatment. (Please notify Fr. Bryan of the sick asap – in hospital or at home.)


Confirmation 2014 Date to be confirmed but probably mid May. Meeting for parents (only) of young people in present school year 8 on Wed. June 19th at 8pm-9pm (hall) when plans for the confirmation preparation will be explained.


Every blessing, Fr Bryan.