Today we begin Advent- the holy season when we await the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ not only as a baby at Christmas, but also his second coming at the end of time.

Throughout Advent, in the Old Testament readings at Mass we hear the prophecies of a Messiah who would come to deliver his people and usher in a new age of justice and peace.  Jesus did indeed come on earth to establish that kingdom, but it will only be fully realised at the end of time.

In the meantime we have to ‘stay awake’ , alert for the unknown moment when Jesus will call us to himself (today’s gospel). To prepare our hearts and minds for that call we are invited to amend our lives (the 2nd readings throughout Advent) and listen to John the Baptist’s advice to the Jews before the first coming of Christ:’ Repent, for the kingdom of God is near’ (2nd and 3rd Sundays of Advent.) On the 4th Sunday (the Sunday before Christmas), the Church’s attention shifts to the events preceding that first Christmas, and this year (Year C- St. Luke’s gospel) it will be the Visitation – Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth.

God is not far away. In Christ he is Emmanuel (God-with-us). May he be with us this Advent, so that we may celebrate his coming to us in grace this Christmas- and our coming to him when he returns in glory.

Mass attendances last Sunday were 660.




First Sunday of Advent (C)

6pm – Brian Benningfield RIP (Ardron Family)

9.15am – Kenneth Jackson RIP (M. Jackson)

11am – People of the Parish




St Francis Xavier, priest

9.30am – Molly O’Rourke RIP (Elizabeth Melling)





9.30am – Robert Gray RIP





9.30am – Deceased friends and relatives of Ford family ( B and G Ford)





9.30am – Dave Shaw RIP (Roger & Ellen Wright)




St Ambrose, bishop

9.30am – Jackey Killigrew RIP




Second Sunday of Advent (C)

6pm – George and Irene Hilborne RIP (Ann Huntington)

9.15am – Relatives and friends of Fyson family.

11am – People of the Parish


Today (Sunday) we welcome, through Holy Baptism, Florence Michele Hegarty (10 mths), her parents Victoria and Andrew and godparents Suzy, Liam and Shelly (6pm); and Jasmine Eve Deer (20 mths), her parents Dawn and Matthew, and godparents Lyndsey, Emma and Richard (11 am.)


Traidcraft goods on sale after all Masses.  Festive foods, stocking fillers, chocolate, wrapping paper and more.....all profits from your purchases will go to CAFOD’s Connect2 Project!   Also look on-line:  or contact any of our justice and peace group ( Please support TODAY!



Pastoral and Advisory Team-presbytery- 7.45pm.



Lectio Divina – a prayerful look at next Sunday’s gospel (Advent 2-Luke 3:1-6)-in church 8pm-9pm. (in church).  The first session last week was really encouraging.


Project Board- meeting room, 8pm.



Christmas choir practice -



First communion classes - 4.45pm.


Next Sunday:

2nd collection for the maintenance fund. (Please use Gift Aid envelopes!).


The roof work is due to be completed before Christmas- an ’invisible’ asset but absolutely essential.  Many thanks to everyone supporting this initial part of our refurbishment project.


Many thanks to all who helped with the Christmas Minimarket last weekend.  Raffle winners on main board and thanks also to the anonymous donor of the prizes.


Christmas Duties: please sign lists for the four Christmas Day Masses (5pm on the 24th, Midnight, 9.15am and 11 am on the 25th.) Please do this today if possible- thanks.)


Receiving Holy Communion - especially at Christmas.

ALL are welcome here - but the Church does have certain rules as we all (should) know:-

Only Catholics may receive communion at Mass because communion is a sign of communion not just with Christ but with the church and its teaching. As you know we take great care in thoroughly preparing children and adults for first communion.

Catholics in marriages or relationships not recognised by the church should not receive communion until their situation has been regularised.

Catholics who have missed Sunday Mass (apart from unavoidable situations such as sickness, or tending the sick) should not receive communion until they have been to confession because this is a serious sin against the Body of Christ.

Please explain this, if necessary, to your families and Christmas visitors. ALL are warmly welcome to receive a blessing at the time of communion.

I do ask that this clear teaching of the church is always respected.


Advent Penitential Service.  Wednesday December 19th at We shall start with a very brief act of penance together, and then individual confessions will be heard by eight priests. We shall give priority to families with young children so that they can depart after making their confession.

I do encourage everyone to prepare for this, and especially children and young people from year 3 upwards, and also those confirmed in the past few years.  If you have not been to confession for a long time do not worry! You will receive a warm welcome from the priest.

Remember – this is all about God (not us!)-let us give him his opportunity to pour his love afresh into our hearts so that we can truly welcome Christ again into our lives at Christmas.

To make known to his people their salvation through forgiveness of all their sins, the loving kindness of the heart of our God who visits us like the dawn from on high.’ (Luke 1:77-78- canticle of Zechariah, father of John the Baptist.)


Please also put the St James’ Carol Service  (by candlelight) in your diaries- Sunday Dec.23rd at 4pm-followed by mince pies and mulled wine.


Thank you for your donations to the Orpington Foodbank last week which amounted to 198kg. This brings the total of our 4 collections in the last year to over a ton of food, which would have fed 77 people for a week....a fantastic response !


Also see pictures from Tanzania on notice board –one of the UTA  projects (You Touch Africa- remember?) which we supported through Fr. Arbo.  The hospital is really benefitting from your generosity.


Could you be a CAFOD volunteer? Getting the message across to schools and parishes. Full training and support given. Contact Jim Simmons or Sarah Westrap on 01322 294924 or  (Jim has spoken here at Mass on several occasions.)


School SIF forms to Fr.Bryan  by Wednesday please (5th) at the latest.


Please make sure you are correctly registered with the parish! If you are not sure, fill in a registration form (in carousel in porch). Please keep us up to date with your e mail, phone no’s etc.


Bright star-maker God  - a poem by Ruth Burgess.


Bright star-maker-God,

travel with us

through Advent

shine into our

dark corners

lead us into

ways of justice

warm us

with joy and wonder

bring us

to new birth

Every blessing. Fr Bryan