Thank you for your offerings last week of £1461.  Maintenance fund was £1264.  Mass attendance 779.


Sunday 2nd April

Fifth Sunday Of Lent


6pm - (Saturday Vigil) Thanksgiving (Hairs Family)



9.15am – People Of The Parish


11am – Mrs Olive Cann (Scott Family)


4pm - Stations of the Cross


Monday 3rd April



9.30am - In loving memory of Trevor Lyons RIP (Gaynor Whitley & family)


Tuesday 4th April



9.30am - Keith Blacker (Welfare)


Wednesday 5th April



9.30am - Carmela Battista RIP (M&S Howell)


10.45am - Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 6th April



9.30am - Welfare of Phene Loughlin (Pini family)


Friday 7th April



9.30am - Kathleen Foley RIP (O’Reilly family)


Sunday 9th April

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord


6pm - (Saturday Vigil) People of the Parish



9.15am -Terence Quinlan RIP (S Watson)



11am - Deceased members of the O’Connor & Quinn family (Scott family)


4pm -Stations of the Cross

Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the Church.  All welcome.

Second Collection

The second collection this week will be for the Bromley Foodbank.  Please use spare gift aid envelope or collect on way into church if you are in the scheme.  Thank you, J&P Group.

Fr David writes…

An episode which remains imprinted forever in my memory, as I was ministering to the sick at St Helier University Hospital in Carshalton, was the story of a young father and husband, who was admitted to hospital in a coma.  I quite distinctly remember his wife coming up to my office one ordinary afternoon, not surprisingly distressed, telling me that the medical staff had told her, that there was no hope for her husband.  He was dying.  She made it a point to tell me that, she was a Buddhist but her husband was a Catholic.  She sounded determined to do everything in her power to bring back her husband to life.  For her, it was very clear that he couldn’t just leave her and her six month old baby.  As a Chaplain, I had previously met a lot of these cases beforehand.  So I knew that my role at that crucial time in her life was to contain and help her feel supported with my presence.  After allowing her to unload her story, I asked her what she would like me to do for her.  She immediately asked me whether I would be so kind to go and visit her husband and administer the Sacrament of the Sick and pray with him.  I of course agreed instantly.  However she also asked me an interesting favour.  She asked me whether I could call upon a Buddhist monk to visit him too for prayers.  I said yes.  I contacted some Buddhist centres and asked for a Buddhist monk to visit the dying man for prayers.  After a few failed attempts, I succeeded to speak to a very gentle spoken woman who immediately agreed to come over.  Knowing that a Buddhist monk was definitely on her way, I went up to CCU, prayed with the man and administered the sacrament of the sick to him.  I also spent some time again praying with his wife and reassured her that a Buddhist monk was on her way.  On my way to the office, I met the Buddhist Monk, drenched with the pouring rain.  She had such a gentle unassuming and yet holy presence about her that I immediately felt a sense that God was in this situation.  I accompanied her to the room and left the wife with her.  To cut a long story short, against all the odds, this young father and husband came back to life.  I visited him regularly and I could see his slow but sure improvements with every visit I did make.  After about three and a half months, I personally experienced him going home walking.  Was it the Catholic sacramental rite which helped him or the Buddhist?  To tell the truth, that is not important for me.  For me what is important is that two human beings of goodwill prayed wholeheartedly for his recovery and God listened to so many people praying for this man.

Speaking to him many times afterwards, narrated to me that although he could not move on that day in CCU, he said he could hear me and the Buddhist monk praying for him.  From then on, I never listened to Lazarus’s story in the same way again.  Somehow there are some situations in life that not even the doctors and consultants can explain.  There is definitely something beyond us all.  Apart from the physical death, there are many other situations which we might experience other kinds of death.  Most experiences of death revolve around existential issues.  Revolve around meaning.  Question the meaning of life.  Being stuck in a very dysfunctional relationship.  Feeling stuck in life in general.  Some live in despair, manically trying to juggle different roles without being centred within oneself.  Without being spiritually nourished.  Trying to find some kind of comfort and happiness in “stuff” which alienate one more towards self and others.  Although physically we are not dead yet we might just as well be living in our own tomb.

The narrative of Lazarus today speaks to us on different levels.  Jesus is confronted by the death of his friend.  Lazarus’s sisters Mary and Martha are bereft.  Jesus saw the death of his friend as an opportunity where “the son of God can be glorified”.  Jesus asking Martha whether she believes that whoever believes in him will never die.  At this point Martha confesses her belief in him as the Saviour of the World.  Experiencing the commotion of the mourners including Mary, Lazarus’s sister, Jesus wept.  A very human emotion.  As Jesus was taken to the tomb he tells the mourners – “Take the stone away”.  After praying he calls out to Lazarus – “Lazarus come out”.  Lazarus came out still bound hand and foot by strips of material.  Jesus tells the community to “Unbind him, let him go free”.

Today’s story is another powerful story of a person who has totally experienced the tomb – it could be me, or someone we know who is close to us.  We might feel helpless and we question our faith when we do not see any progress.  We feel stuck.  Like in the case of Lazarus, Jesus might procrastinate and delay his arrival.  Like Martha and Mary, we might question his wisdom in leaving us waiting.  The good news from the story is that Jesus does visit in time.  We need to keep on believing in our despair at times, that the stone will be removed from the entrance to the tomb and that we as friends or family be privileged to help in the process of freeing our loved one from bondage.  Jesus will make use of us to unbind and set free ourselves or our loved one.  We would experience the process as being long and arduous at times.  However, let us keep doing our little bit and allow Jesus to work in his own time.  Lenten blessings to all.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Drop-in Surgery will take place on Tuesday 4th April between 5pm – 7pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive.  No appointments are necessary.

Evangelisation Pillar

Lenten Evening Talks (8 to 9:30pm)

Wednesday 5th April  Fr Geoff Wheaton on Christ's Passion and Crucifixion through Art and Scripture.

Thursday 6th April  Revd Juliet Ushewokunze on The Cross & the Crown.

Please put these dates in your diary.  The talks will be excellent preparation for us during Lent.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30 pm – 9pm and concludes with Benediction.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Confirmation Reconciliation Service

To take place on Sunday 2nd April from 2pm to 3.30 pm.

Lenten Reconciliation Service

“Lent is a favourable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living His word in our sacraments and in our neighbour” Pope Francis.  You are all welcome to attend the Reconciliation Service on Monday 3rd April at 8pm here at St James’.

Easter Choir

We would like to hear from anyone who is interested in joining our Easter Choir this year.  The Easter Choir will be singing in the special services during Lent and Holy Week, and in particular the Easter Triduum services.  You don't need to commit to all the services but for whichever services you are able to join us in, you must be willing to do your utmost to attend the rehearsal which is relevant.  Everyone is welcome and we will try to give as much support as possible, so don't be shy!

The services will be as follows:

Monday 3rd April, 8.00pm - Reconciliation Service

Thursday 13th April, 8.00pm - Maundy Thursday Service

Friday 14th April, 3.00pm - Good Friday Service

Friday 14th April, 8.00pm - Prayers around the Cross (PWCT)

Saturday 15th April, 8.00pm - Easter Vigil

Rehearsals will take place in the Church as follows, covering music for the services specified:

Thursday 6th April, 8.00-9.15pm - Good Friday

Wednesday 12th April, 7.00-8.00pm - Maundy Thursday & Easter Vigil

Wednesday 12th April, 8.00-9.15pm - Good Friday

These rehearsals are subject to change, so if you are interested in joining in please sign up at the forms at the back of the church after Mass or email the Parish Office with your details so that we can keep you informed.  We look forward to singing with you!

Re-Enactment of the Stations of the Cross

A Re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross for the whole family is being produced on Sunday the 9th April at 4.00pm – Palm Sunday.

We are looking for Actors and Readers.  All the family may take part in this Devotion.

There will be a further two rehearsals:

Saturday 8th April at 11.00am -12.30pm

Sunday the 9th April at 2.00pm.

Come and experience the passion and death of Christ by being part of the Greatest Story ever told.

Easter Saturday, 15th April, 11.30am – Święconka

This is the Polish traditional blessing of Easter Baskets.  Please join us in celebrating this colourful and engaging tradition by bringing your own “Święconka” to St James’ for a short (15-20 min) blessing service.  Blessing will be done in Polish and English.  All very welcome.

Youth Pillar

Many thanks to everyone who supported the Confirmandi event on Saturday.  £450 was raised and this will go towards supporting our parish project of St Helens in Peru.

Born For This – 8th April

For the past four years we have invited young people from across the diocese to join together in CJM's beautiful Lent reflection.  Combining powerful spoken word and beautiful songs, this moving depiction of Stations of the Cross will take place on Saturday 8th April at 6pm in the Relic Chapel, Aylesford Priory.  All are welcome!

Social Pillar

Songs from West End Musicals

A concert at St James’ on Sunday April 30th at 7.30pm given by The London Concert Chorus to include Songs from the Musicals.  It is in aid of Parish funds & tickets are on sale soon.

The Friends of St James' – Coffee and pastries

You’re invited by the Friends of St James' to come and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea (or squash for little people!) and a pastry after both Masses this Sunday in the Community Centre.  Meet members of our Parish and chat over a cup of coffee or tea and find out more about the Friends, what the group does, and the events it has planned for 2017.  Hot drinks are free to anyone wearing a Friends badge.  We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Children's Easter Egg Hunt and cake sale - Easter Sunday, 16th April

The Friends of St James’ invite the children of the Parish to an Easter egg hunt taking place after the 9.15am Mass on Easter Sunday.  Children will be provided with a basket to collect the eggs and the cost will be £3 per child payable on the day.  Let's hope the April showers stay away.  If they do, the hunt will take place in the Parish garden.  If not, it will be in the Community Centre.  We'll also be hosting a cake sale in the Community Centre at the same time and donations of delicious homemade cakes are most welcome.  Please let the Parish Office know if you can help.

Seniors’ Lunch - Sunday, 23rd April 2017

The Friends of St James’ would like to invite all of our seniors to a celebratory St George's themed Fish & Chips lunch in the Community Centre after the 11am Mass on Sunday, 23rd April.  The cost will be £5 per person.  If you would like to come along, please leave your name and £5 payment in the Parish Office before the Easter weekend.  We hope you can come along to enjoy the afternoon!

St James’ Social Club

is responsible for the running and licensing of the bar in the Community Centre.  The AGM will be held on Sunday 23 April at 12.30 pm in the Community Centre.

Items on the agenda will be as follows:

1.  Minutes of the last AGM

2.  Election of Committee for 2017/2018

3.  Financial Report

4.  Any other business

All are welcome to attend.

Finance Pillar

200 Club

Our numbers have increased to 151 but it’s still not too late to join but, don’t be late if you want to be in the first monthly draw on 9th April! The BUMPER draw will be in July and December with a First Prize of £500 plus others.  Let’s try to achieve our target of 200.Thank you to all parishioners who have already joined this important fund raising project.

Gift Aid

A very big thanks to all who have gift-aided their 1st and 2nd collection offerings and their donations to the Maintenance/Refurbishment Fund during the 2016/17 tax year.

Boxes of new Gift Aid envelopes (with your name on) for the coming 2017/18 tax year are now ready for collection in the church porch.

If you cannot find your box, please speak to Geoff Ford (the Gift Aid Administrator or email him at or he can usually be found in the "counting room" after 11am Mass on Sundays.

The amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax you pay or will pay during a tax year must be at least equal* to the total amount of tax that all Charities (i.e.  not just St James’) will reclaim on your gift-aided donations to them for that tax year.  Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.

You must have paid at least 25 pence in Income/Capital Gains Tax for every £1 of gift-aided donation you make to all Charities (i.e. £25 tax for every £100 given).  If you pay less Income/ Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year, it is your responsibility to pay any difference to HMRC.

Please also speak to Geoff if you:

a)      are unsure that you will have paid adequate tax

b)      wish to know the total recorded amount of your offerings

c)      move or marry and change your name.  (It is important that our record of your name and address is recognisable to the tax man.)

d)      wish to transfer your gift aid donations into your spouse’s name (perhaps because you have stopped working and no longer pay tax)

e)      would like to Gift Aid your contributions to St James’ but have not yet completed a declaration form

As every charity will tell you, by gift-aiding your donations your contributions are substantially increased at absolutely no cost whatsoever to you.  If you are not already in our Gift Aid scheme, all you have to do is sign a declaration form permitting St James' Church to recover the tax you will have already paid before making your donation.

Standing Orders

If you make your weekly offering to St James’ by standing order, please still take your box of envelopes.  Your box will include special envelopes for Diocesan second collections and for Easter/Christmas offerings which are not included in standing orders.

Justice and Peace

Bromley Foodbank

In addition to the usual items shown on the collection basket near the church entrance, the items most needed at the moment are long life milk, sugar, rice pudding, custard, desserts, washing up liquid and coffee.  Thank you.

The Annual Plant Sale

in aid of our overseas project, St Helen’s Parish, Peru, will be held on 20th & 21st May.

Gardeners of St James please remember to add a few extra for the sale if you are dividing, propagating or seed sowing.  Anyone with a healthy but unwanted plant please do not discard but find it a new home at the sale.

Traidcraft stall

Thank you to everyone who supported the stall last weekend.  Total sales were £251.25.  EASTER EGGS orders will be available to collect after each Mass this weekend.

Hearing Aid

A hearing has been found in church.  Please contact the Parish office to collect.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You, or they, can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Weekend Rotas:  Thank you for helping.

9th April


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


K Kirby

M Howell

K Drabowick


Uniformed groups


A Prifti

D Woolston

B Cotta

C D’Souza


Uniformed groups

Ministers of Holy Communion

J Callinan

P Driscoll

T Babb

B Babb

R Wright

B Cotta

W David

B D’Arcy

T Forde

M Smith

B Bridle

A Bunnage

P Murray

V Terry

N Longhurst




E Aletta

S Dixon

T Troy

J Cosgrave

B Bridle



P Cosgrave

R Monaghan



M Shea

T Wrafter


Saturday 8th April

Cleaning the Church

Eucharistic Ministers, Uniformed Groups