Thank you for your offerings last week of £1386.63 and £606.53 for St  George’s Cathedral.  Mass attendances were 866.




Sixth Sunday of Easter (C)


6.00pm  Jim Macey RIP (Deasy Family)


9.15am  Pauline Bishop RIP (M Ingrams)


11.00am People of the Parish





St Athanasius


9.30am John Mulvey & Family (M Howell)




St Philip & St  James, Apostles


9.30am  William & Nora Kirwan RIP (R & E Wright)




The English Martyrs


9.30am  Catherine May Wilkinson RIP (A Wilkinson)





11.00am  Requiem Mass for Eileen Owen

(Please note change of time)






9.30am Sylvie Lederle & Francisco Mar-Rubio (B & G Head)




Vigil Mass


6.00pm Gillian Lancaster RIP (McCabe Family)




The Ascension of the Lord


9.15am People of the Parish


11.00am Mary Casartelli


Confessions heard Saturday 5.00pm-5.45pm or by appointment.


Morning Prayers - Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.


Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11-12 noon here in the church.  All welcome.  Please note no meeting Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May.

Fr David Writes…

Saying goodbye to those we love is never easy!  Our connections with one another are vital for our sense of self identity.  We see ourselves through our familial and social connections.  I am the son of Edward and Josephine.  I am brother of…..  you are the wife of …….  And mother of…..  These connections and relationships define us.  Once the connection is severed either by distance or even more permanently by death, then it does take us some time to redefine ourselves.  I have seen parents very upset once their son or daughter left home for University for example.  They feel conflicted because part of them is proud that their son or daughter has reached the age to move on academically but at the same time they feel the pinch of the empty nest.  They need to get accustomed once more to perceive themselves without their children.  Some parents literally go through an identity crisis.  If my children do not need me, who am I now?  The parents who are relatively still young need to renegotiate their relationship with each other and also maybe redefine their identity without the children.  It can be a very creative time for finding oneself now beyond the role of mother or father.

In the case of death, that psychological and emotional link is totally severed.  We do experience a period of feeling lost.  I remember when both my parents died, I decided to travel from Malta to London by ferries and trains as I felt I couldn’t in that state arrive in London after three hours flight and resume life in London as if nothing had happened.  I remember feeling at the age of 40 very lost and wanted at times to be lost somewhere in Europe on my way.  I remember feeling that I had lost my bearings and psychological compass.  I needed to grief and experience the lostness in my body and soul.  I think for us who are not married, this takes us by surprise as we do not have our own family to lean upon either.  My siblings grieved differently and later because their young children, at the time, needed their attention and they did not have the luxury of time to grieve as I had.  So with grief, the first thing that goes out of the window is peace.  We lose peace and instead of peace, anxiety and fear of the future takes centre stage in our lives.  We feel vulnerable and very raw inside of ourselves.  We lose also the joie de vivre for some time.  There is no oomph.  We yearn for the time when we can smile, fully enjoy life once more.  I describe it as a time of monotone.  Until one day we realise that something in our psyche had moved on.  And we feel a surge of new life once more emerging.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is aware of his own disciples as they face the reality of his final departure.  They are how they are because of him.  Without him who will they be?  Jesus prepares them for the day of his going, as the liturgy prepares us for the feast of the Ascension which we celebrate next Sunday.  Before he returns to his Father, Jesus advises his disciples not to be afraid.  Go he must.  But in his last will and testament he leaves them more than his absence.  He leaves them his word and his peace and the promise of the Holy Spirit who will help them in the future to be his apostles.  They are experiencing the anxiety and fear of the separation from him, and he is promising them that he would not leave them abandoned but will send the Advocate – the Holy Spirit who they could call upon in their times of doubt and in need of courage and wisdom.  The Holy Spirit is still available to us all today as we prepare for the feast of the Ascension and Pentecost.  Do we call upon the Holy Spirit for his gifts to us in different stages of our lives?  Our young people are on their confirmation retreat this weekend.  Let us keep them and their families in prayer.  We are proud of them all for taking this time out to prepare themselves spiritually for the confirming of the Holy Spirit on the feast of Pentecost by Bishop Pat at the 11.00am Mass.  God bless them all.

“Drop-In” – Evening Surgery

The next Surgery will take place on Tuesday 3rd May, 5.00-7.00pm.  Please call at 281a Crescent Drive – no appointments necessary.

Second Collections

Will take place next weekend for World Communications Day.

Our Parish Faith Formation

Holy Baptism

This weekend we welcome Zara Elisabeth Fernandes, her parents Suzie and Mark and godparents Richard and Sandra.

2016 First Holy Communion Programme

The next session will take place on Saturday 7th May, 4.30pm-5.45pm in the Community Centre.

2016 Confirmation Programme

Please keep our confirmation candidates in your prayers as this weekend they are away on their retreat.

Year of Mercy - Group Discussion

The second in our series of group discussions on the theme of Mercy will take place on Tuesday 3rd May at 8pm in the Community Centre.  The title is: “The First Gaze of Mercy” and we will be discussing the issues which come out of Matthew 28: 1-10.  We do hope you can join us.

Parish Group Activities

Live Sustainably and in Solidarity

Donate your excess/unwanted plants to the PLANT SALE 21-22 May.  All proceeds to St Helen's Parish, Peru.  Thank you (J&P & Garden team).

Launch of the Friends of St James’

On Saturday 14th May from 7.00pm, you are invited to join us for an evening of wine, art and canapés to celebrate the launch of the Friends of St James’.  The evening is free and no tickets are necessary.  We look forward to meeting you!

Social Evening

On 21st May the Community Centre will be open after the 6pm Mass, this coincides with the launch of the Youth Café, all are welcome!

Healing Mass

This will take place on Sunday 5th June at 2.30pm, followed by refreshments in the Community Centre.

What is the Parish Project?

The J&P Group, Confirmandi and Youth Ministry have been referring to this over the last few months.  Details of what it's about can be found at

Mother and Toddler Group

The group is looking for new leaders to help run it.  If you feel you would be able to help please contact

Deanery Event

Deanery Pilgrimage to Cathedral

Home-school-parish deanery pilgrimage to St George’s Cathedral Southwark on Saturday 17th September 10.30am for 11.00am.

Diocesan Events

The annual Mass in Celebration of Marriage will take place on the afternoon of Saturday 18th June at St George’s Cathedral Southwark.  If you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th+ Wedding Anniversary this year and would like to attend, please complete the form at the back of the Church as soon as possible.  Invitations will then be sent out from the Archbishop.

Mass for Migrants

We are invited to attend this annual Mass at Westminster Cathedral on Monday 2nd May at 10.30am.  His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols will be the principal celebrant.  There will be a banner procession at 10am and witness testimonies at 10.15am.  Full details on the notice board.  J&P Group (on behalf of Southwark Justice and Peace Commission).

Youth Ministry

Youth Group

The next session will be held on Saturday 21st May, 12.00– 2.00pm.

South American Evening – Saturday 7th May

We invite you to take part in our South American evening on Saturday 7th May from 7.30 to 10.00pm.  It promises to be a fun- filled evening with food, music, dancing and a quiz.  In addition we have been given two authentic Peruvian pictures which we will auction on the evening.  We are asking for donations of food for the evening.  We may have South American parishioners who could share their country's dishes with us or others who perhaps already have a favourite South American dish that they could prepare for us.  Any queries/offers of food can be directed to  Food can be dropped off on the evening or earlier that afternoon if that is more convenient.  Tickets cost £5 or £15 for a family ticket.  All proceeds are going to support our parish project in Peru.  Thank you.

Youth Café

On the evening of 21st May the youth of the parish will be holding their first Youth Café at the Social evening.  If you have any bean bags or rugs (in good condition) that you think would be suitable to furnish our Den then please contact the Parish Office. 

Staff Vacancy

St Joseph’s Junior Primary School is currently looking for a Full Time KS2 Teacher.  For Full details please call our office on 020 8653 7195 or email us at  Closing date 20th May 2016