After the resurrection of Jesus we are told that “the faithful all live together, and owned everything in common; they sold their goods and possessions and shared out the proceeds among themselves according to what each one needed.” (Acts 2: 44) No, not Karl Marx, but St Luke writing in the second volume of his work on the early church (the first being his gospel.)   


This is an idealistic picture but also a wonderful vision for humanity. However, it will only be possible if we take very seriously the teaching of the same writer a couple of verses earlier: “they remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles, to the brotherhood, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers” (i.e., the Mass.)   This was the bit that Marx, sadly, left out.


Sadly too doubt began to creep in and this is reflected in today’s story of Thomas who doubted Jesus’ resurrection. We too, have many doubts and fears.  Perhaps we fear people who are different to us e.g. migrants into our country. 


But Catholic Teaching is that we should welcome migrants and strangers – in fact, they can mediate to us the presence of the Risen Christ.  We should not doubt or fear them but should rather place our faith in Christ who brings us true peace and brotherhood and who reminds us that we are one human family under the Fatherhood of God.


I do hope some of you will come to the cathedral tomorrow (Monday) at 11am for a special Mass in Support of Migrant Workers in London at which our own Archbishop Peter will be the principal concelebrant (nearest station Waterloo East) – hope to see you there.


Mass attendances last Sunday were 880.

Sunday 1/5/11

We welcome through Holy Baptism (Sat. 4.30pm) Alexander Mirrington (16 mths), his parents Charles and Natasha, and godparents Chris and Sarah.


 6pm  (Sat) – People of the Parish 


9.15am – Kay & Ned Fitzgerald (Ned)


11am – Friends & family of Teresa Saunders

(T. Saunders)



St George


9.30am- St James’ Altar Servers  (M. Howell)


1-30-3.30 pm - craft/card games/tea and chat in the hall. Everyone very welcome! 



Ss Philip and James Apostles


9.30am-  Mary Peachey RIP (Teresa West)


7.15pm-  Private Intention


Evangelium recommences May 10th



The English Martyrs


9.30am – Mass with St James Primary  School – Lilly O’Connor RIP (Rosemary Scott)





9.30am –Mary  Giardelli (M. Deasy)


Mission and Planning Team - 7.45pm in the meeting room.





9.30am – Ellen & Frederick Durden RIP

(Peggy & Gerry Colman)

Sunday 8/5/11

Third Sunday of Easter (A)


We welcome through Holy Baptism (Sat. 3.30pm) Ciara Merriman (1 yr.), her parents John and Denise, and her godparents Ciara and Philip. 


6pm - People of the Parish


9.15am- Kitty O’ Riordan (Ned)


11am  - Canon John Devane RIP (Rosemary Scott)


Cake sale after Sunday Masses


Rev. Ann Hogan, invites you to come and hear about the Uniting Church in Australia on Wed. May 4th at 8pm in Christ Church, Willetts Way. RSVP to 01689 854747.


Please remember the sick in your prayers:  Gerald Colman, Gloria Calnan, Joshua Canning (11 yrs.), Florence Angel, Christopher Drew, Ernest Field, and Bishop Michael Evans (East Anglia).


Every blessing. Fr Bryan