Today is the first day of the church’s liturgical year. It is also the beginning of Year A in the Sunday Lectionary- the year of Matthew. I shall be giving a short introductory talk on Matthew’s gospel this coming Wednesday (10.15am-11.15am and again at 8pm - 9pm in the hall.)


Advent is the season when we prepare to celebrate Christmas.  But we also direct our minds to the second coming of the Lord.  These are the themes of today’s readings.


The First Reading-like so many in Advent-is taken from the prophecy of Isaiah. It is a vision of the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem and of peace among the nations. Christ’s coming ushered in this new age, and this vision should inspire us to work for the true worship of God and for world peace. The Responsorial Psalm continues the same themes.


In the Second Reading St Paul - using the imagery of night turning to day - tells us that as Christians we now live in the new age (of Christ) and should behave accordingly: we should ‘wake up now’ and live in the light of Christ.


In the Gospel Jesus compares his second coming to Noah’s flood. It will be sudden and unexpected; some will be taken and others left (some will be saved and others not); so we must ‘stay awake’ and always be prepared to account for ourselves at the Day of Judgement.


An Advent Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Peter will be read at Mass today.


Fr. Bryan.



Attendance last week was 593.




First Sunday of Advent

6pm (Sat) – People of the Parish

9.15am – Judy, Gyneth, Paquita and Elwyn Ingrams, RIP

11am – Welfare of Helen Geogheghaw (Margaret Thompson)





No Monday Mass



St Francis Xavier, priest

9.30am – David Kelly, RIP (Teresa and David West)




Feria of Advent

9.30am – Ben White, RIP




Feria of Advent

9.30am – David Kelly, RIP (Josephine)




St Nicholas, bishop

9.30am – James King, RIP (J. Loftus)




St Ambrose, bishop

9.30am – Maureen and Joe Joslin, RIP (Liam Carland)




Second Sunday of Advent

6pm (Sat) – People of the Parish

9.15am – Florence Fulton, RIP (Hannah Harrison)

11am – Joe McPartlin, RIP (Kate Clubbs)





Traidcraft  goods on sale after Mass.


2nd collection for St.George’s Cathedral.  Do visit our cathedral (Waterloo East then 15 min walk.) A most inspiring church and the ‘seat’ (‘cathedra’) of our Archbishop.


7’s and 8’s at 5pm and confirmation group at



Craft group at 1.30pm (hall)

Pondering the Word.  11 am - 12 noon (church).



Talk on St Matthew’s gospel (10.15am and 8pm).



Christmas choir practice at 8pm.



Mothers and Toddlers.  1.30pm - 3pm- all most welcome.



Confessions heard – 10am-10.30am.

Church cleaning 10am-11am (NB new time - parents of young people in school year 8 please). I do ask everyone to take their turn –about two or three times a year. Thank you.


Next Sunday:

Christmas Minimarket after the Sunday morning Masses.  Many thanks to all who are organising this, and to those who have brought in items for sale.  There will be many excellent bargains!


Daily Mass during Advent:

You are encouraged to come to a weekday Mass during Advent (Tues-Sat. at 9.30am). Also- Morning Prayer is said Tues-Fri at 9.10am (not Sat.)

NB No more exposition and benediction on Saturdays. (We are hoping to restore this in some form in the new year.)


PWCT Christmas cards.

In back corridor.  Please sign and take a bundle and deliver as soon as possible - thank you.  Our Christmas services are listed, together with all the other PW churches.

NB Confessions before Christmas: Saturday 22nd December – 10am - 12 noon (note extended time) with at least two priests. (There will be no Penitential service this Advent.) NB also ‘Midnight Mass’ on 24th December will be at 11pm.


Church School Applications:

All SIFs to Fr. Bryan personally after Sunday Mass only- at latest noon on December 15thHe will send them to the appropriate schools.


Literature for you to buy or borrow (from our library.)  Do try and read a spiritual book this Advent/Christmas. See porch table and our library shelves.


Thank you for your magnificent response to the Philippines appeal and also for your ‘Hungry for Change’ cards- some 70% of last Sunday’s congregations responded which is fantastic!


Thanks also to LiveSimply members who helped with the Forest School Project at St James’ School, before the Christmas Fair. And thanks to those who supported the Fair.


Journey in Faith:

In the past few weeks several non-Catholic adults have come forward.  So we may well start up again in January on Tuesday evenings.

Please drop Fr. Bryan an e mail if you might be interested (with no obligation) so that we can plan (Catholic spouses are of course also most welcome.)



Catholics are required to be married according to Catholic form (i.e. in a Catholic service with a Catholic priest (or deacon) or their marriage is not recognised by the churchIt is amazing that many Catholics do not seem to know this.  If you were not married in a Catholic church, and there was no impediment  (eg, a former marriage) please contact Fr. Bryan so that your marriage can be convalidated , and thus recognised by the church.

Please let your families know this (especially those contemplating marriage).

For those who are divorced and re-married, help may also be at hand.  Again please feel free to speak to Fr. Bryan in confidence.


Petts Wood Festival Chorus:

Our inter-church choir (some 70 members).  Rehearsals will be on Wednesday evenings in church starting January 8th.(7.45pm-9.30pm) and the concert will be on Sunday March 23rd at  Music still being chosen but please put in your diaries, and come and sing- a thrilling experience! This will be our seventh year!




Eco tip of the week

Household cleaning – the LiveSimply way


To make an abrasive cleaner use either salt or bicarbonate of soda, both of which are gentle enough for most surfaces.



A poem for Advent

by Ruth Burgess.


Bright start-maker God,

travel with us

through Advent.


shine into our

dark corners


lead us into

ways of justice


warm us

wit  joy and wonder


bring us

to new birth.