Thank you for your offerings last week of £1,573.  Mass attendance 801.


31st March



(Easter Vigil)



Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of The Lord


8.00pm      People of The Parish


Sunday 1st April


9.15am      Francesca Sio RIP (Sio Family)


11am         Joseph Deasy RIP (Deasy Family)


Monday 2nd April

Monday within the Octave of Easter


9.30am      Ron & Margaret Thompson RIP (K&D Woolston)


Tuesday 3rd April

Tuesday within the Octave of Easter


9.30am      Trevor Lyons RIP (G Waitley & Family)


Wednesday 4th April


Wednesday within the Octave of Easter


9.30am      Angela Brennan RIP (Wharton Family)



10.45am    Eucharistic Adoration


Thursday 5th April

Thursday within the Octave of Easter



9.30am      Sarah Bown RIP (S Jagger)


Friday 6th April

Friday within the Octave of Easter


9.30am      Hugh Forde to celebrate his 80th Birthday


7.30pm      Eucharistic Adoration


7th April


(Saturday Vigil)


Second Sunday Of Easter


6pmPeople of The Parish


Sunday 8th April

9.15am      Tom & Joan Brosnan RIP (G Carter)


11am         Terence Quinlan RIP (E Quinlan)




Monday 9th April


The Annunciation of The Lord


9.30am      Eileen Dinan RIP (Wharton Family)


Tuesday 10th April


Please note change of time.



11am         Requiem Mass for Christopher Haynes


Wednesday 11th April


Saint Stanislaus


9.30           Anthony Olivelle RIP (M Olivelle)


Thursday 12th April




9.30           Ann Moore-Martin RIP (Mrs A English)


Friday 13th April




9.30am      Joseph Pereira RIP (N Pereira)


14th April


(Saturday Vigil)


Sunday 15th April




Third Sunday of Easter


6pm           Dermot Gray RIP (Scott Family)


9.15am      People of The Parish


11am         Terence Quinlan RIP (E Quinlan)



Confessions heard Saturday 5.00-5.45pm or by appointment.

Morning Prayer: Takes place Monday – Friday at 9.10am.  All are welcome to attend.

Pondering the Word (Lectio Divina)

A quiet reflective look at the following Sunday’s Gospel.  Mondays 11am - 12 noon, except for Bank Holidays, here in the church.  All welcome.

Sunday Mornings in the Community Centre

Every Sunday coffee and tea are served after the 9.15am and 11am Masses.  Please join us for a while and get to know each other over a cuppa!

Offertory collection

The collection at the Masses over the Easter weekend are your personal offerings for your Parish Priest.

Second Collection

The Second Collection on Sunday 15th April will be for the maintenance fund.

Fr David writes…

When the world looked at the face of Teresa of Calcutta, it saw pure, simple joy.  Then in 2017, 10 years after her death, a collection of her private letters were published.  Suddenly, the joy that the small sister from Albania once radiated, seemed anything but simple.  As the letters revealed, for the entirety of her public ministry, the founder of the Missionaries of Charity endured unceasing feelings of desolation and abandonment by God.  In 1957, she writes “I am told God lives in me and yet the reality of darkness and coldness and emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul”.  For some, the letters became a source of scandal.  But for those familiar with the spiritual life, they served as a profound testimony of Mother Teresa’s sanctity that despite her own dark night of the soul, she had the inner resilience, with the help of God, to become such a bright light of hope and life, to those who were experiencing the darkness of poverty, abandonment and aloneness.  She became the voice for the voiceless.

We are living in a world riddled with darkness.  On social media we are reminded constantly of the myriad reality of pain and suffering around us.  We cannot escape the reality of darkness.  Life throws at us instances which can overwhelm us.  Most of the time very much unexpected.  We are never prepared for bad news.  It always takes us by surprise and leaves us in a state of shock.  Our lives sometimes are turned upside down in one moment.  From moving along happily from one day to the next, oblivious of what might happen, we are plunged into darkness.  We need time to find our balance again.  Relationships must be re-negotiated.  We are awakened to life.  We become highly attuned to the here and now.  Crises in our lives have the power to destroy us or paradoxically, have the power to build our inner resources up.  Somehow, Mother Teresa’s inner turmoil instead of paralysing and throwing her into resentfulness and bitterness, it fuelled her energy to live in hope and provided hope to others.  For me her story is extraordinary.  Not many people can live in such darkness for that amount of time she endured and remain not only functional but fruitful.

Easter begins in the dark and began in the tomb.  The story begins with someone whom many had written off as a lost cause, Mary Magdalene.  When she reaches the tomb she sees that the stone is rolled away and she interprets this to mean that Jesus’ body must have been stolen.  She finds it easier to believe that the robbers had come to steal the body than to believe that this was God’s doing – that God refuses to let death have the last word.  When Peter and the beloved disciple hear her story they immediately start running for the tomb.  The beloved disciple runs faster than Peter, reaches the tomb first, looks in to see the cloths lying on the ground and then waits for Peter.  Peter reaches the tomb, goes into the tomb and sees the cloths.  The climax of the story is when the beloved disciple goes in and sees the evidence.  In contrast to Peter, he believes.  He sees more than discarded cloths – he sees with the eyes of faith what this means.  He is the love that sees through the darkness.

One of the marks of John’s gospel is the love between Jesus and one of the disciples.  The beloved disciple is depicted as the ideal follower of Jesus.  He was with Jesus in all the big moments from the Transfiguration to Calvary.  He is depicted as the most loyal in his love for Jesus of all the disciples.  Now in running to the tomb on Easter morning, the urgency of his love gets him there first and the sensitivity of his love makes him the first to believe in the resurrection.  I truly believe that it is because of love we suffer sometimes and it is because of love that we pull through the darkness into the light.  Easter reminds us that there is no other way to experience the light except by entering the darkness.  We just cannot keep on taking short cuts or trying to escape the tomb.  Eventually the pain will catch up with us and it will overwhelm us.  Somehow Easter is reminding us that it is only through entering the tomb of our lives can we be transformed into a beautiful butterfly.  Life is a process and the more we resist it, the more we suffer.  Somehow wisdom has shown us that in honouring the process it has the power to allow us to experience new life.  These days have been filled with intense emotions and imagery.  The narrative and drama which we have lived together in these last few days, have maybe touched us deeply.  They also might have left us feeling raw and vulnerable because of what we are going through in our own personal lives at the moment.  Let us now be gentle with ourselves.  Let us receive the good news of Jesus’ resurrection.  May with God by our side, we will never lose hope.  Easter is all about hope!  Let us risk to allow Easter to inform us and heal us.  Have a blessed Easter!

Drop-In” Evening Surgeries

Please note that the next surgery will be on Wednesday the 11th April 2018.  Fr David will be available at 281A Crescent Drive from 5.00-7.00pm and no appointment is necessary.

Website administrator needed

After 10+ years the parish webmaster is retiring, and we are looking for someone to take over, but with a slightly different role.  The existing website is also being retired and a new design introduced over the coming months.  The person should have a working knowledge of WordPress and ideally some IT systems administration experience.  The role is primarily to coordinate and moderate contributions from various members of the parish who will update the pages for which they are responsible.  It will also include email address maintenance and domain administration.  Full assistance will be given from developers of the new website (Matthew Hansford), and the existing webmaster (Roger Wright).

The Parish Pastoral Council

The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Monday 9th April at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.  You may raise any relevant issue using the PPC mailbox which is or place a note in the suggestion box in the church porch.

Please see the PPC meeting (14/03/18) summary at the end of this Briefly.

Pastoral Pillar

Helplines and Counselling Services

As part of our care for the community a list of helplines and counselling services has now been added to the parish website and also, placed in the porch.  The purpose of this is to give contact details of various organisations which can provide help in difficult times thereby enabling people to seek privately the information and support they may need.

Liturgy Pillar

Eucharist Adoration

This takes place for an hour each Wednesday shortly after the morning Mass starting at 10.45 am and finishing at 11.45 am.  This Devotion to the Eucharist is a time of silent prayer and quiet music.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

First Friday of Month - Eucharist Adoration also takes place on the 1st Friday of each month from 7.30–9.00pm and concludes with Benediction.  The next one will take place on 6th April.  Everyone is welcome for all or part of this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Mass in celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage

St George’s Cathedral 16th June 2018.  If you are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th or 60th+ wedding anniversary this year and would like to attend the Mass then please give your names as soon as possible.  Forms can be found at the back of the church.

Social Pillar

Confirmandi Event

The Confirmandi would like to thank everyone who supported their event on Saturday.  A wonderful £650.00 was raised and will be going to support St Catherine’s in the Philippines.  Thank you to everyone who donated raffle prizes and cakes and again a special thank you to people who couldn’t attend the event but gave donations of money and/or raffle prizes.  Your support of the Confirmandi is much appreciated.

Community Centre

The St James’ Social Club is responsible for the running and licensing of the bar in the Community Centre.  The AGM will be held on Sunday 22 April at 12.30 pm after the 11.00 am Mass in the Community Centre.  The items on the agenda will be as follows:

1.  Minutes of the last AGM

2.  Election of Committee for 2018/2019

3.  Financial Report

4.  Any Other Business

All are welcome to attend.

Parent and Toddler Group

The Parent & Toddler Group will be starting back up from Friday 27th April.  They will meet every Friday during term time in the Community Centre from 1.30 – 3.00pm.  Parents with babies from 0 up to age 5 are welcome to attend.  Do come along and enjoy the companionship and the fun.  Refreshments provided.

Youth Pillar

St James’ Youth Group

The next Junior Youth Group will be held on Saturday 14th April in the Community centre from Noon to 2pm.  £1.50 per session - which includes lunch.

CYM Careers Fair: Saturday 21st April 2018

As part of the CYM programme for 2018, we will be holding a Careers Fair for young people on Saturday 21st April from 12.30-2.30pm (please note the change to original times listed) at St James the Great Church, Petts Wood.  The aim of this event is to assist and equip young people in making decisions regarding their future and to provide information and guidance on a range of opportunities available to them, such as pathways into teaching, Metropolitan police, civil service, engineering, GAP year opportunities and many more.  We will also be offering one-to-one career guidance, interview training and help with writing CV’s.  You can register for your free ticket by visiting:, for more details please visit:  If you would like to become involved in this event by sharing skills and experience, please email  We look forward to seeing you there!

200 Club

Subscriptions for the 200 Club are now due.  Please forward cheques or standing order forms to the Parish Office or Ken Evans

The Knights of St Columba

The Knights will be holding a recruitment drive after Mass on the weekend of 7th / 8th April.  Any male Parishioner interested to find out more in regard to The Knights’ work please speak to Frank Simon or Llew Thomas.

St James The Great Primary School

St James' RC Primary School are looking for volunteers to read with the children.  If you are interested, please contact the school office on 0208 467 8167.  To facilitate this, the school will arrange for your DBS certificate which is a government requirement when working with young people.  Many thanks.

Job Vacancy – KS1 teacher from September 2018

St James’ RC Primary School are looking to appoint an outstanding KS1 teacher that wishes to make a difference and strives to ensure the children achieve excellence.  Please see more information on the School vacancy notice board at the back of the church.  Closing date for applications is 12noon Monday 23rd April 2018.

Message from Stella Delf

I’m getting ready to run the Brighton Marathon on the 15th April (my first marathon!).  I'm going to be running for Cancer Research UK and I'm looking for sponsors and cake eaters to help me raise money for this amazing cause.  If you would like to give your support, I'll be at the back of the church with a sponsorship form on the 24th and 25th March and will be hosting a cake sale at the end of the masses on the 7th and 8th April.  You can also donate via my giving page:

Thank you, Stella

Message from Matthew Delamain

This Summer (August 2018), I will be going on an expedition to Kenya with my Explorer group.  Whilst we are out there, we are going to be working with a charity called Harambee for Kenya.  This charity takes in young boys who are homeless off the street and gives them a better life including an education and friendships.  We will be spending a lot of time at one of the safehouses owned by the charity and doing things such as playing with the boys and building them new facilities.  Another way in which we will help is by bringing some donations with us from the UK.  If you can help by donating any of the following and leaving in the box at the back of the porch that would be much appreciated:

·         Black school shoes – Any size

·         Shorts and T-Shirts

·         Underwear and socks

·         Black or grey smart trousers

·         Waterproof lightweight jackets

·         Single bed sheets -Flat type

·         Towels

·         Footballs

·         Hand Tools

Many thanks, Matthew


Some Gift Aid boxes have not yet been collected from the table at the back of the church.  If you haven’t already, please take yours this weekend, even if you have a Standing Order because the boxes contain special envelopes for Diocesan collections

Justice & Peace


The current list of items needed is: tinned potatoes, tinned soup, long life milk and fruit juice, rice, pulses, shampoo and toothbrushes.  Thank you for continuing to donate these much needed supplies.

Manna Centre Collection

The parish has once again shown great generosity in collecting a mountain of items including men’s clothes, blankets and duvets, and toilet rolls and kitchen rolls, last weekend in support for the tireless work of the Manna Centre.  On behalf of Paddy Boyle from the Manna Society, the Justice and Peace Group would like to thank all parishioners who donated items.

Our next collection is the weekend of 14/15 October – please start putting aside items that can be donated and look out for a list of items in particular need a bit nearer to the time! Don’t forget to take a look at the display in the porch of the church or for more details contact

Polite Reminder

The Parish disabled parking spaces are for Blue Badge holders only.

Seeing a Chaplain if You Are Admitted to Hospital

·         Protecting personal information (data protection) is really important when you become an inpatient in hospital.

·         So please specifically ask hospital staff to pass on your details to the hospital’s Roman Catholic chaplain as soon as you are admitted if you would like a Chaplain to visit you.

·         Fr David would always be very happy to visit you too, so please ask a relative or friend to let him know about your admission.  You, or they, can email Fr David on, or phone the parish office on 01689 827100.

Outside the Parish

Alpha course at Holy Innocents', Orpington

Alpha is a chance to explore the meaning of life and the basics of Christianity in a welcoming and relaxed environment.  "It helped me to 'join the dots' in my head about my faith," is how someone who came on our autumn 2017 Alpha course put it.  Want to find out what she meant? Then come along to an introductory session for our next Alpha at 1.30 pm, repeated 8 pm, on Friday 20 April.  Feel free to bring a friend who might like to hear about our faith.  More details from Stephen Walsh (07778 6120500) or email

Weekend Rotas: Thank you for helping.

Saturday 7th April 2018

Cleaning the Church

O Clutton, M Mathews, R Blanco, R Mwansa, D Delf


Wednesday Coffee 4th April

Volunteers Needed



8th April 2018


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


A Deamain

L Delamain

F Mace

M Howell

Uniformed Groups


L Rusmini

A Prifti

B Cotta

C D’Souza


Parade Mass

Ministers of Holy Communion

T Babb

B Babb

R Wright

A Guyton

P Cantopher

D Hairs

B Cotta

W David

B D’Arcy

T Forde

K Chan

P May

S Ingle

Z Bajorek

T Troy





P Benson

M Wright




G Brookes

D Brookes

C D’Arcy

T Lowe


Altar Servers

P Kukula

R&F Norman Brown

P Marshall

J MacFadyen

L Delamain

A Lynch

F Ikenye



A Barradell, S Barradell


Rotas for NEXT week:  Thank you for helping


Saturday 14th April 2018

Cleaning the Church

A Haylock, A Crosland, G MacManus, K Evans


Wednesday Coffee 11th April

M Howell, and a volunteer needed


15th April 2018


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday 9.15am

Sunday 11am


M Sands

B Guyton

A Guyton

M Cooper

K Edwards



C Kiely

D Woolston

C Hairs

H Denham

R Del Guercio

D Ducat


Ministers of Holy Communion

J Gribben

J Bajorek

H Rothon

M Cahill

C Cahill

A Guyton

M Smith

M Howell

S Cotta

A Ward

R Del Guercio

A Bunnage

P Murray

V Terry

N Longhurst





A Barradell

M Horner



L Lynch

S Barradell

T Troy

J Cosgrave

Altar Servers

O&J McCabe

P Kukula

D&A Poulton

N Cracknell

L Delamain

A Lynch

P Marshall

J Monaghan

V Marcolina



L Lynch, M Ardron




PPC Meeting 14.03.18 – Summary


The PPC held a meeting on Wednesday 14th March and the following items were discussed:


·         The PPC are investigating the possibility of ‘live streaming’ of services from St James’ so that parishioners who for one reason or another cannot attend Mass would be able to watch it via the internet

·         The layout of the car park will be looked at when the car park is next resurfaced

·         A list of 2nd collections for the year to be made available on the parish Facebook page [they are already on the website at under Other events/services]

·         The PPC are looking at revamping the parish website

·         Work has now been commissioned on reducing the noise in the Community Centre at a cost of £7500 and is expected to be completed in the near future

·         Handrails to the steps leading to both entrances to the Church are to be provided at a cost of £2100 and should be installed after Easter

·         The Memory Café has been incredibly successful with 25 – 30 people attending the 4 dates so far

·         There is a list available on the parish website and in the porch of charities and organisations that provide counselling services and support for addictions, bereavement and various other needs.


Upcoming events:

Easter Egg hunt

Garden Party

Christmas Fair

New Year’s Eve party (in conjunction with the Knights of St Columba)