Did you know?
01-Jun-14 1 recycled can saves enough energy to power a TV for 3 hours.
15-Jun-14 Emissions caused in producing 4oz of lamb are equivalent to driving 10 miles in an average car
06-Jul-14 Electricity powers our water system, so wasting water also wastes electricity and causes more CO2
22-Jun-14 Do we think about climate change when making decisions – Pope Francis says we should.  CAFOD is launching a big campaign in September leading up to the next general election and the 2015 UN conference in Paris.
Positive actions
15-Jun-14 You can now recycle food and drink cartons (Tetra Paks) by rinsing, squashing and placing them in your Bromley green box
29-Jun-14 Avoid bottled water (when safe to do so).  It takes 3 litres of water to produce 1 litre of bottled water.  British tap water is excellent – and it’s fine to bottle your own!
20-Jul-14 Children - don't forget to put out a shallow dish of water for the birds especially in the hot weather
27-Jul-14 If you have a garden, dry clothes out there and not in a tumble dryer